Arraymancer v0.3.0 Dec. 14 2017

Finally after much struggles, here is Arraymancer new version. Available now on 
Nimble. It comes with a new shiny doc (thanks @flyx and NimYAML doc): 


  * **Very** Breaking

>   * Tensors uses reference semantics now: `let a = b` will share data by 
> default and copies must be made explicitly.

>>   * There is no need to use `unsafe` proc to avoid copies especially for 
>> slices.
>>   * Unsafe procs are deprecated and will be removed leading to a smaller and 
>> simpler codebase and API/documentation.
>>   * Tensors and CudaTensors now works the same way.
>>   * Use `clone` to do copies.
>>   * Arraymancer now works like Numpy and Julia, making it easier to port 
>> code.
>>   * Unfortunately it makes it harder to debug unexpected data sharing.

  * Breaking (?)

>   * The max number of dimensions supported has been reduced from 8 to 7 to 
> reduce cache misses. Note, in deep learning the max number of dimensions 
> needed is 6 for 3D videos: [batch, time, color/feature channels, Depth, 
> Height, Width]

  * Documentation

>   * Documentation has been completely revamped and is available here: 
> [](

  * Huge performance improvements

>   * Use non-initialized seq
>   * shape and strides are now stored on the stack
>   * optimization via inlining all higher-order functions
>>     * `apply_inline`, `map_inline`, `fold_inline` and `reduce_inline` 
>> templates are available.
>   * all higher order functions are parallelized through OpenMP
>   * integer matrix multiplication uses SIMD, loop unrolling, restrict and 
> 64-bit alignment
>   * prevent false sharing/cache contention in OpenMP reduction
>   * remove temporary copies in several proc
>   * runtime checks/exception are now behind `unlikely`
>   * `A*B + C` and `C+=A*B` are automatically fused in one operation
>   * do not initialize result tensors

  * Neural network:

>   * Added `linear`, `sigmoid_cross_entropy`,
>     `softmax_cross_entropy` layers
>   * Added Convolution layer

  * Shapeshifting:

>   * Added `unsqueeze` and `stack`

  * Math:

>   * Added `min`, `max`, `abs`, `reciprocal`, `negate` and in-place `mnegate` 
> and `mreciprocal`

  * Statistics:

>   * Added variance and standard deviation

  * Broadcasting

>   * Added `.^` (broadcasted exponentiation)

  * Cuda:

>   * Support for convolution primitives: forward and backward
>   * Broadcasting ported to Cuda

  * Examples

>   * Added perceptron learning `xor` function example

  * Precision

>   * Arraymancer uses `ln1p` (`ln(1 + x)`) and `exp1m` procs (`exp(1 - x)`) 
> where appropriate to avoid catastrophic cancellation

  * Deprecated

>   * Version 0.3.1 with the ALL deprecated proc removed will be released in a 
> week. Due to issue 
> [](,
>  even using non-deprecated proc like `zeros`, `ones`, `newTensor` you will 
> get a deprecated warning.
>   * `newTensor`, `zeros`, `ones` arguments have been changed from `zeros([5, 
> 5], int)` to `zeros[int]([5, 5])`
>   * All `unsafe` proc are now default and deprecated.

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