The new version of Arraymancer, v0.4.0 "The Name of the Wind" is live today. 
here is the changelog:

* * *

  * Core:
    * OpenCL tensors are now available! However Arraymancer will naively select 
the first backend available. It can be CPU, it can be GPU. They support basic 
and broadcasted operations (Addition, matrix multiplication, elementwise 
multiplication, ...)
    * Addition of an `argmax` and `argmax_max` procs.
  * Datasets:
    * Loading the MNIST dataset from 
    * Reading and writing from CSV
  * Linear algebra:
    * Least squares solver
    * Eigenvalues and eigenvectors decomposition for symmetric matrices
  * Machine Learning
    * Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  * Statistics
    * Computation of covariance matrices
  * Neural network
    * Introduction of a short intuitive syntax to build neural networks! (A 
blend of Keras and PyTorch).
    * Maxpool2D layer
    * Mean Squared Error loss
    * Tanh and softmax activation functions
  * Examples and tutorials
    * Digit recognition using Convolutional Neural Net
    * Teaching Fizzbuzz to a neural network
  * Tooling
    * Plotting tensors through Python

Several updates linked to Nim rapid development and several bugfixes.

* * *


  * Bluenote10 for the CSV writing proc and the tensor plotting tool
  * Miran for benchmarking
  * Manguluka for tanh
  * Vindaar for bugfixing
  * Every participants in RFCs
  * And you user of the library.

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