> I just posted you the address, I am from Aachen so yes in Germany.

Got it. I will bookmark it in my mail folder, so i can send you the book later. 
If you change adres, do not forget to update. ;)

> But it's said that you've decided for the wrong language

_lol_ ... Each there own. ;)

> Interesting; what's your movtivation to make the move from Nim to Haxe; would 
> you mind giving details of your decision?

There are a few reasons, like disadvantage that i see:


  * Single developer focus at the moment. And while this is great at the start, 
its something that can not be sustained.
  * 1.0 is still a unknown. Development is focused on this but there are still 
parts that linger around.
  * Python syntax that limits the amount of developers.

It matter because next year i plan on starting a development company and there 
needs to be a focus on one language that can do multiple avenues. Part of my 
thinking is simply that the more simple / faster the language is to get into, 
the more easy it is to hire developers.


  * Multiple developers, with the lead developer working full time on the 
  * Financially its more supported with the Haxe Foundation.
  * Long time out of beta. There seems to be a much faster development focus.
  * Has much more a C/C++/PHP syntax. And will make converting developers more 
easy. I can find more easily people that have a C-language background.
  * Large amount of output platforms ( JS, Java, Lua, C++, PHP, Python, Neko 
etc ).
  * Useful website with code examples, try design etc. So more easy again to 
bring in / convert new developers.
  * There is also the HL Target ( not announced ) what seems to be a JIT 
compiler for turning the Language into a more standalone fast language instead 
of a interpreter language.
  * More developed 2D/3D lib. Just as a example, this is one of the game in 
development with Haxe. 


In my case, from a C / PHP background, it just feels more natural. The 
developers i know are all much more familiar in such a background. Last week 
showing a colleague some quick sort Haxe code, he instantly understood the code 
and noticed the few differences in design. The same did not happen with similar 
Nim code.


This is not to dish Nim. Araq did a great job on Nim and made it into a 
impressive language. But i am looking at it from a business point of view. That 
is also why i was such a pain in Araq's behind about the Caps / Team standard 
issue :).

By having a language that can feel natural to a larger group of developers and 
yet is more future proof / targeting multiple platforms. And knowing that there 
is more development going on.

Because of my business design, the language i needed needs to be easy, fast but 
support multiple avenues ( web, gaming, system ) with the ability to switch 
away from one more easily. When you write a piece of code to benchmark and 
quickly compile it to 7 language platforms ( if you have the compilers 
installed ), you feel all giddy. :)

Haxe & Nim do share a lot of background but in all honesty ( do not take this 
too hard ), Nim still feels like a amateur / non-business focused project. 
Technically Nim is more advanced as a language but it comes at a cost of 
readability. The whole {} design feels too much tacked on the language to 
extend the functionality.

If i need to hire people and they need to learn the whole language / meta 
programming, it also cost money. Money that does not go into actually improving 
the products.

Anyway. Its less the features as the entire package that moved me to Haxe.

**Points for improvement for Nim:**

  * Weekly newsletters like Haxe: 
[https://haxe.io/roundups/367](https://haxe.io/roundups/367)/ ( 
[https://haxe.io](https://haxe.io)/ )
  * Better repository: 
  * Better ( default included ) Lib management: See HaxeLib ... No need to 
compile, include in your project. Its standard.
  * Better website: [https://haxe.org](https://haxe.org)/
  * Better news with more items ( like tutorials etc ): 
  * Try out Nim: 
  * Searchable documentation. ;) I know, docs are being worked upon.
  * Communication ... its just lacking, limited.
  * ...

* * *

I wish Araq and the community all the best with Nim. :)

* * *

_Little stab below the belt:_ **Haxe** _you can search more easily in Google 
unlike_ **Nim** _/ Nimrod._ _gniffel_ :)

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