I've done it both with/out `parallel:` as shown below, but get the same 
compiler output.
        var cnt = 0                      # count for the segment primes '1' 
        for i in 0..<rescnt:             # count Kn resgroups|bytes each 
          cnt += spawn segcount(i*KB, Kn)
      primecnt += cnt.uint               # update primecnt for the segment

I'm also using `spawn` earlier in `segsieve` which works with no problems, and 
actually does operate in parallel, which I can verify by looking at the 
program's operation using `htop`.

Below is the total `segsieve` code.
    # This routine performs the prime sieve for a restrack of Kn 
    # 'nextp' resgroup vals for restrack 'r' mark prime multiples on it in 'seg'
    # and are udpated for each prime for the next segment.
    proc residue_sieve(row: int, seg_rti: int, Kn: int)=
      for j, prime in primes:            # for each prime r1..sqrt(N)
        if nextp[row+j] < Kn.uint:       # if 1st mult resgroup is within 'seg'
          var k = nextp[row+j].int       # starting from this resgroup in 'seg'
          while k < Kn:                  # for each primenth byte to end of 
            seg[seg_rti + k] = 0         # mark byte in segment as nonprime
            k += prime                   # compute next prime multiple resgroup
          nextp[row+j] = uint(k - Kn)    # save 1st resgroup in next eligible 
        else: nextp[row+j] -= Kn.uint    # do if 1st mult resgroup not within 
    # Count the primes on each row of Kn resgroups|bytes in 'seg' memory.
    proc segcount(row, Kn: int): int =          # for this row in 'seg' of Kn 
      var cnt = 0
      for k in 0..<Kn: cnt += seg[row + k].int  # add primes '1' (and nonprimes 
      result = cnt                              # return count of primes for 
    # This routine performs the total prime sieve for Kn resgroups|bytes by
    # processing each residue track individually (in parallel). Then the
    # segment primes count is computed and added to global var 'primecnt'.
    proc segsieve(Kn: int) =             # for Kn resgroups in segment
      for b in 0..<seg.len: seg[b] = 1   # initialize seg bytes to all prime '1'
        for r in 0..<rescnt:             # for each residue track number 'r'
          let row  = r * pcnt            # set the 'nextp' table row address
          let seg_rti = r * KB           # set the segment mem row address
          spawn residue_sieve(row, seg_rti, Kn) # mark the prime multiples 
along it
      var cnt = 0                        # count for the nonprimes, the '1' 
      for i in 0..<rescnt:               # count Kn resgroups along each 
          #cnt += segcount(i*KB, Kn)
          cnt += spawn segcount(i*KB, Kn)
      primecnt += cnt.uint

I'm trying to get `segcount` to operate in parallel too, which should make the 
program even faster. When I get this working I'll write this all up and update 
my a paper to show the new parallel algorithm architecture, and the Nim 

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