> ALLCAPS They have a place ... I still think all caps is perfectly reasonable for constants. Variable & constants mixing makes things more difficult if they all look the same. And marking variables like cFoo, vFoo is just silly.
> honestly I would like to see this project become more community-driven. That > is the biggest concern I hear from colleagues when I suggest adopting Nim. I think this is the same issue that has showed up also about the website design. There is a consensus that the current design is lacking in "professional" appearance ( still think it looks like a hobby project ). Then there is the documentation ( not really integrated, lacking examples, not really searchable, not newbie friendly ) that came up several times. And the the whole cap/underscore issue. On this point you can tell the GoLang / Rust communities are more active. While sure, plenty of people dislike the error / cap system of Golang but it has a purpose. Its designed around that idea and you can not really improve or make it more flexible. The whole cap issue from Nim, its already flexible but it can be enhance giving everybody a solution ( unlike goLang that is stuck to this one standard ). I am very sure, that with a descent solution for a Partial casing, that it will actually help productivity & reduce potential errors ( especially in teams! ). And yet, again ... nobody mentions removing the current Partial casing, just enhancing it. These points are not massive deal breakers but i always get the impression when people advocate for something, Araq reacts like people step on his toes. People are putting a lot of time in discussing things and looking for solutions. But the impression is that people just need to shut up or get ignored.