> > I'm in the majority, by a wide margin.
> _Shrug_, so are the people who don't like indentation based syntax

That's silly. Python has similar syntax, and I always tell people that Nim is 
Python + Ada + C. People who complain about enforced indentation should be 
using a more verbose language, like Rust. I don't believe that a majority in 
this forum would oppose indentation.

> [One] thing that Go does new is the Uppercasing for export feature which is 
> completely silly since it means a rename is used to turn something private 
> into public.

I agree with you. However, IDE support can handle the rename, and your argument 
for partial-casing is _future_ IDE support which exists precisely nowhere. 
Simple search-and-replace can usually handle that renaming as well. And for Nim 
newbies, the `*` is line noise, even though it's fine when you get used to it. 
I have no preference, but I assert that UpperCase for exported symbols was a 
fair decision on balance.

> I don't want ALLCAPS in my language to begin with

That's fine. Ban ALLCAPS, but note that `c2nim --nep1` will change `l` to `L`, 
which is all-caps. If this is really important (which I doubt), then let 
**c2nim** replace ALLCAPS with something else unique. I am saying that 
`THISWORD`, `ThisWord` and `thisWord` can occur in the same C library (the 
middle one most likely as a type) so it should be handled gracefully. If you 
don't like that, then remove the FFI support from Nim, in which case Nim 
becomes just another toy language. You are trying to have it both ways: (1) 
Solid FFI, and (2) novel indentifier equality.

> "Designing for popularity" doesn't work for me

But in this case, it is a majority of **Nim** users who disagree with you, not 
just random coders. We are your allies, your friends, your comrades at arms. 
And the only reason I mentioned popularity is because I wanted to give you a 
way to save face. But the reality is that your position is difficult to defend 
today. `grep` is not going away, and current IDEs are not able to deal with 
this novelty.

I guess I can work around any problems caused by partial-casing, but honestly I 
would like to see this project become more community-driven. That is the 
biggest concern I hear from colleagues when I suggest adopting **Nim**.

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