People in Audiovisual Computing need 2 things from a programming language:

  1. As fast as possible code execution speed
  2. Easy to use, built-in image/audio/video file read/write commands

There is NO programming language right now that does both.

The programming language is either SLOW but supports audio/video nicely, or it 
is FAST, but getting audio/video in and out of the language is a horror to set 

We are in 2017. The world we live in is highly audiovisual content oriented.

If you want Nim to become popular in audiovisual computing - Computer Vision 
for self-driving cars or Video Processing for Film & Television for example - I 
strongly suggest that the language comes with basic image/audio/video 
read/write capabilities by default.

When people ask on the internet "what programming language is good for video 
processing?" people would then answer "Nim is really good for that".

Please consider basic audio/video support seriously.

Nim would become the first language that is both FAST, and that can do basic 
audio/video processing from the moment you install it.

You would reach thousands of users quickly just due to this built-in 
audiovisual functionality.


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