**@videobuddha - what do you currently use (language/libraries/codecs/...)?**

There are a few Nimble packages that wrap external libraries already:


  * nim-ao
  * nim-ogg
  * nim-vorbis
  * nim-portaudio
  * nim-sndfile
  * sndhdr
  * nshout
  * taglib
  * sdl2 (for gaming)


  * nim-ogg
  * vidhdr
  * sdl2 (for gaming)

**A generic video/audio module** that abstracted lower level libraries would be 
of benefit (and is what I understand as being sort of what you are wanting).

* * *

If there was a programming language called `XYZ` that supported direct 
manipulation of video/audio files, then tomorrow, when I write my own unique 
fantasic (in my option) new shiny video/audio file format, then the `XYZ` 
language is obsolete and useless because it doesn't support by new shiny format 
(just trying to highlight that of course it is not the problem of `XYZ` that it 
doesn't support my new format).

So I agree with **@Krux02**

> but (Nim) allows (you) to implement all your dreams that you want to have

It just needs support for more file formats, and a library to abstract the 
access to those libraries.

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