The new release is available!

**NESM v0.4.0**

* * *


  * Added the size option for the custom periodic structures deserialization. 
(allows to read the dynamic periodic structure length from other field instead 
of default behavior)
  * Added the sizeof options for the custom periodic structures serialization. 
(allows to write the dynamic periodic structure length to other field instead 
of default behavior)
  * Non-intrusive serialization support.
  * Demo of the NTP packet serialization by NESM (thanks to @FedericoCeratto )


  * Changed syntax of options inside type declarations. (was a: int32 {option: 
value} but now a: int32 as {option: value}).


  * Fixed the global context changing when options have passed to the 
toSerializable macro
  * Fixed incorrect enum size when the {.size.} pragma is passed to its 
  * Cleanup from the deprecated functions usage.
  * Little refactoring.

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