**@janko**, msgpack4nim is your work, right? Could you explain the difference between that and NESM?
> [https://github.com/jangko/msgpack4nim](https://github.com/jangko/msgpack4nim) **@xomachine**, I have to say, even if your architecture is better in some way, I still wish that the NESM binary format were simple _msgpack_. You could encode type-info as extra fields in msgpack to create a full RPC protocol. I worked with serialization a lot at Amazon, and I really appreciate being able to parse binary data by eyeball. (E.g. google-protobuf encoded integers are unreadable, which means that string-lengths are also unreadable.) I also love a simple parser, and the greatest strength of msgpack is that the prefix of any element includes the length of that element, so you can always pre-allocate exact buffer sizes for efficiency.