**@cdunn2001**, well, it looks like I haven't made my point clear. Let me show 
you another example. One day I needed to repack the Unity3d assets file of a 
third-party game. So, I've written [the Unity3d asserts 
 using NESM for the file deserialization. The Unity3d assets spec can be found 
[here](https://github.com/ata4/disunity/wiki/Serialized-file-format). As you 
can see there is no type information before fields, but the format itself is 
already known and described in specs.

The NESM is made exactly for cases like this, when you have a third-party 
file/packet/whatever format and you need to easily [de]serialize it. I see no 
point for me to make another clone of the msgpack or the protobuf, because 
they're already exist. The possibility of using NESM instead of of them is just 
a side-feature. It was not developed as the replacement.

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