> [...] with v1.0 closer than ever before [...]

That's a very complex theological claim. I for one will only believe in v1.0 if 
I see it, before I die.

> it may be time to have an official vote

That's a very complex political claim. Is Nim a democracy now? Are votes to be 
somehow weighed by merit, or does some useless gadfly philosopher like me get 
as much decision-making power as someone who had actually contributed dozens of 
useful modules? What if some nutjob [recruits his nutty 
 to come in and stuff the ballot box?

In short: **I do not want a vote.**

I think his eminence Godemperor Andreas should do whatever he wants, and anyone 
who doesn't agree can go 
[fork](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fork_\(software_development\)) themselves.

> to decide whether Nim should remain style insensitive or whether it should 
> become case sensitive.

I think there are more than two choices for what can happen when the compiler 
notices the existence of conflicting variations that normalize to the same 
identifier (`fooBar` and `foo_bar`):

  * It can silently treat them as the same identifier (Nim's current behavior).
  * It can silently treat them as different identifiers (like most other 
  * It can generate a warning, but treat them as same identifier.
  * It can generate a warning, but treat them as different identifiers.
  * It can generate an error - and recommend a nice auto-refactoring tool.
  * It can be even more insensitive, ex `ф00бар` (unidecode, deleet, unemoji).

Any option other than 2 gives Nim an advantage over most other languages. Some 
of those would adversely affect compile times to varying degrees.

**I think the current behavior is great** , but if Andreas decides to change 
it, I'm sure his reasons would be vastly more sophisticated than mine. 

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