I like Nim for all the reasons given here... for me personally, comparing with 
other languages...

Python, I started to learn Python and found it quite easy to pick up, however I 
decided that its growing way to big as a language, too many people are changing 
it too much, and for me on Windows it just became another scripting language, 
no better than say Perl... and yes Python may be very popular at the moment and 
that's mainly because all the schools and university's etc use it...but we all 
know that they just follow each other anyway, so just because they all use it, 
does not mean its the best language out there. Anybody that thinks that is a 

C programming, well ive stated before somewhere, I hate the C language, always 
have..... why would anybody pick the * char to use as a pointer when in nearly 
every other language it was used for multiply... which meant when you look at C 
code... you see all these * and its like what a mess, what a complete and utter 

On windows...Nim is faster than Python and easier than C... reasons enough for 
me to try it. 

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