1\. As said by @shashlick, nimgen and its successors nimterop are great 
auto-wrapping tools. I actually think no other language as the equivalent for C 
and C++ wrapping. Fragments seems to also work very well as it has been used to 
auto-generates bindings to C++ PyTorch:

  * [https://github.com/genotrance/nimgen](https://github.com/genotrance/nimgen)
  * [https://github.com/nimterop/nimterop](https://github.com/nimterop/nimterop)

2\. You can use gdb on windows, mingw comes with it iirc.

3\. There are only 3 paid full-time developers working on Nim. Everyone else is 
a volunteer. Also not everyone is using VScode (see the excellent neovim 

I think for a language to take off, it needs to be able to delegate to the 
community, especially self-contained parts that will not impact 
interoperability between Nim users (unlike something like 
serialization/deserialization API). An editor plugin is pretty much 
self-contained and there is no interoperability issue so this fits the bill.

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