
> PDF Download would be cool.

Why. I generated a PDF of my PhD thesis long time ago, it was written in LaTeX. 
But that times are over, we do not want to print documents these days, we do 
not want to kill trees. And PDF with its fixed format is bad for screens with 
different sizes. Note that the HTML is self -contained, at least the CSS is 
included, so that I would strongly assume you can download the HTML on your 
local computer to read it. I am not absolutely sure for the fonts, have to 
check that. Do not know really much about Asciidoctor yet. I may consider 
making an EPub when the book is complete -- well maybe a PDF too.


Thanks for that hint.


> know if average children will understand

That is always the PROBLEM! I have recently heard about kids that had to do low 
level bit operations in C, without having a minimal understanding. As the kids 
could not understand, they had to ask in forum for solutions, copied that, of 
course without a basic understanding, teacher seems to be happy. And other kids 
learn how to play videos from inside python: Teacher: I have taught the kids 
video processing, I must be a great teacher, and my kids must be very 
intelligent, they manage Python so good that they can play even videos.

> what a compiler is Oh yes, i missed that, but would have found out myself for 
> first proof reading I guess.
> References and Pointers a notion that must be introduced to child-programmers?

Maybe that is the reason why I started the book. Kids starting with Pascal had 
to learn, Kids using Nim have to learn it. Its hard to teach. I started gently, 
and explain it really well.

> and help you?

Yes, when the book is ready I would of course be grateful for smart 
proofreaders, with good Nim and english language skills. But it may take long 
to finish the book, indeed I have the impression that the two firsts parts was 
what really was missing, the other topics are more or less available. With the 
exception of the advanced stuff part, macros, async, threading, parallel 
processing. But that is more for Araq and mratsim to write.


> headline is a bit misleading

I think the subtitle is fine: A gentle introduction. And the introduction of 
the book is fine also: "people who missed basic CS in school for some reason". 
"And in a way that even children should be able..."

Of course it is hard for children when there is no support by friends, parents, 
teacher. And one more problem with children is: When they do not start with 12 
being interested in CS, they generally never will.

> a book for beginners.

We have discussed that term really long enough. Is your beginner someone with 
absolutely no CS skills or someone having programmed in C++ and Haskell for 15 
years and is now comming to Nim? 

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