On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 8:18 AM, Jack Coats <j...@coats.org> wrote:
> Try setting your router for another channel that is less used.  That way you
> might not be 'hammered' as badly.
It sounds like essentially every channel is, more or less, equally as
crowded and strong...

If I were in that situation, I'd probably fire up Netstumbler and get
a detailed list of what's in use.  Maybe channels 10 and 11 have only
weak signals, for example?

Although I've never used it myself, MIMO systems may be more immune to
the noise...

And, of course, you could completely abandon the overcrowded 2.4GHz
band... Wireless A anybody? ;)

> If you want to go the 'strange way', re-plaster your  outside walls and put
> chicken wire in them.
> Ground the chicken wire.  Now it keeps your RF inside, and their outside :)
> ... Faraday cages are good things.
Of course, that would also block your balcony use ;).

> IHS ... Jack
> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 6:29 AM, Andrew Farnsworth <farn...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Morning everyone,
>>   Yet another question.  I am living in an apartment and have basically
>> had to revert to wired networking as my wireless is so unreliable.  Scanning
>> the airwaves reveals about 8 other access points in apartments around me set
>> on various channels.  While I am running fine via wire, there are a few
>> instances where wireless would be nice (i.e. sitting on the balcony) now
>> that the weather has improved (ok temperature, not weather... stormy here
>> the last few days).  I have a Linksys WRT610N router and would consider
>> buying something different if I thought it would solve the problem.  I have
>> also considered contacting my neighbors and trying to get them to turn down
>> the power on their wireless routers, but I suspect that 90% or more would
>> not know how to do it.  I have also considered turning off the wireless and
>> hooking up an Apple Airport Express that I have that I use for portable
>> wireless networking.
>> Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
>> MAIH...
>> Andy
> >

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