On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 02:48:04PM -0500, gm5729 wrote:
> Copy the file and use GVim. There is a Wintel version.

        The file has a mandatory and exclusive lock; you can't manipulate
        it in any way, and that includes copying it.

        How does the windows version handle log rotation?  Can you
        force an early rotation run and then work with the resulting
        rotated log?

When there are too many policemen, there can be no liberty.  When there are
too many soldiers, there can be no peace.  When there are too many lawyers,
there can be no justice.

-- Lin Yutang (10 October 1895 - 26 March 1976), Chinese writer and translator,
as quoted in Alexander, James (2005). The World's Funniest Laws. Cheam: Crombie
Jardine. pp. page 6

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