On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Chris McQuistion
<cmcquist...@watkins.edu> wrote:
> For what it's worth, I'm not using LVM, currently.  My partitions are just
> run-of-the-mill partitions.  I can set up a second disk and move data from
> the old unencrypted partition to a new encrypted partition, if necessary.
> Chris

I haven't kept up recently so there may be some auto-magic, but last I
understood you will need to do something as you describe.

1. You will need some room to create an encrypted partition, whether
on the same drive or another it does not matter to the process.
(Though if it is a lot of disk space or lots of files, using a second
drive would probably be faster.)

2. You mount the new (encrypted) partition.

3. You copy all the files from the unencrypted partition to the
encrypted partition.  (This can be copy, move, tar/untar, whatever you
like as long as it handles any special files, permissions, attributes,
ACL, etc. appropriately.)

4. You can then get rid of the unencrypted partition, resize the new
partition, etc. as you like.

Rereading John Eldredge's post, he pretty much reorders these.  Let me
add the normal unstated CYA steps to what he wrote:
Make a (couple of) portable backups first
(Ensure you can read the backups successfully)
Wipe the old partitions
Make and mount encrypted partitions

If you are looking for encrypting "(most of) the whole system", as
Critch said you need an unencrypted boot partition and init image to
get things started.

You used to be able to make a file that contained an encrypted file
system on it.  You would then mount it on the loopback device.  This
was handy if you didn't want to encrypt a whole partition, just some
data.  However, I thought I read something about the powers that be
getting rid of the loopback device...  I have not tried this in many
years, don't remember where I read the loopback device was going/gone,


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