>I'm not sure that I agree.  When I asked people on this list about making
>changes to the CVS, I was told to post my changes and someone would look
>'em over and put them into the CVS.  I couldn't find anybody to give me
>CVS write access since the maintainer was too busy.  So let's not just toss
>out everything that fell through the cracks because the maintainer was too

Jon, I understand your concern, and I can perfectly understand your
frustration at doing a significant amount of valuable work but not getting
it into the tree.  But in my view, Shantonu is right ... we've had essentially
two years of development that has not seen a release.  I think the current
CVS work has been relatively well tested, so I'd rather do a release ASAP
and then fold in your work (by giving you CVS access, of course).  I don't
even think this is that incompatible ... from what I've seen, the best
thing to do would be to create a release branch and do any release engineering
work on it and put your work on the head.


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