Okay, my reading of the "rough consensus" of the messages I've seen is,
"Yes, do something, dammit".  Here's what I think we should do:

- We should wait for Dan to say something.  I just checked my exmh address
  book, and the last message I ever saw from Dan was July 31st.  So I'm
  not even sure he's still around.  But nevertheless, I feel it's only
  right to see if he's got something to say.  He may say, "Hey, I'm
  still going to do something with nmh".  If that's the case, then I
  guess we'll start another discussion about the future of nmh.  But
  let's assume that Dan either say, "Hey, I'm too busy, go for it," or
  he doesn't respond.  January 1st has been suggested by a couple of people,
  and it sounds as good as a date as any to set as a deadline, so I think
  that's how long we should wait.

- At this point, I become the Grand High Poobah of nmh.  But seriously, I
  think that someone should be "Project Lead", "Head Guy", "Lead Asshole",
  _something_ ... and I'm willing to do it.  If someone ELSE wants to do
  it, then step up; I'll vote for 'ya.  But I don't want things bogging down
  in some "nmh committee" ... I think it's time for one guy to kick some
  MUA ass and get nmh out the door.  If no one objects, I'll do it.  If
  someone does, then I'll let him/her step up to the mhicrophone.

- We keep the the CVS server at mhost.com, assuming Doug is amemable to
  the current situation.  It's there, it works, and I don't want things to
  get delayed anymore by a server move.  Judging by Doug's email, I think
  that past issues about Doug being too busy to assist with server things
  have mostly been resolved.  Maybe if Doug gets too busy, we'll think
  about moving it.  I _would_ like to do off-site backups of the CVS
  repository, but assuming everything goes through, I'll work that off-line
  with Doug.

- At this point, we create a release branch.  We give Jon a CVS account and
  let him start committing work to his heart's content.  Me, Shantonu,
  and maybe a few others do whatever release engineering work we need to do
  get nmh 2.0 (or whatever we call it, but I think nmh 2.0 is a good version
  number).  I'm thinking a couple of beta release cycles and then a new
  final release, maybe by the end of January.

- We continue to have new releases "every so often" .. if we have a continual
  stream of new features, I think a release every three months isn't out of
  the question.  I continue in my role of nmh Dictator and usher in a New
  Age of Enlightened Mail Reading.

So, what does everyone think?


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