>I'd say it still only warrants a 1.1. There are insufficient new
>features added or changed functionality. Leave 2.0 for a major

Are you sure?  Have you looked at the changes?  There was a whole lot
of cleaning up that was done, and I don't think the security stuff was
insignificant either (but I'm obviously biased).

>I think bumping a version number simply to draw attention to a
>realease is a bit of a lie.  The nmh code is still quite a mess. I'd
>rather see 2.0 be a nice clean release. Why not kick this out as 1.1.0
>(with a 1.1.1 coming soon after with the additional patches from the
>archives) and instead write up a roadmap of what 2.0 should do?

I'll think about it; I don't have really strong feelings that this should
be 2.0, but enough people disagree with this one that maybe it's the wrong
call.  I guess I'll save my energy for my first controversial CVS commit
that I know is going to get people screaming :-)


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