Bakul wrote:

> Looking through git log, the following may have be interest:
> commit 54c9b8ee126b284c25b8ae3c7e600638fda2cb06
> Author: David Levine <>
> Date:   Sun Jan 30 09:26:44 2022 -0500

That commit cleaned up the helper applications, some of which were
very out of date.  I doubt it would be helpful to look at it.

Ken mentioned the man pages.  The mhshow(1) man page should be helpful.

I have these in my profile:
showproc: less
mhshow: -noconcat -notextonly -noinlineonly
mhshow-show-text/html: firefox --new-window %F 2>/dev/null; sleep 0.2
show: -noconcat


> On Dec 7, 2022, at 3:50 PM, Jon Steinhart <> wrote:
> >
> > Bakul Shah writes:
> >> On Dec 7, 2022, at 2:32 PM, Jon Steinhart <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Just upgraded my system to FC37 which incldes nmh 1.7.1.
> >>> show now runs everything through more which I hate.
> >>> Can't seem to disable it, even with --showproc cat.
> >>> Can someone save the trouble of having to figure this
> >>> out from the source code?
> >>
> >> I have
> >>
> >> showproc:/usr/bin/less
> >>
> >> in my ~/.mh_profile. Shouldn't matter but this is on FreeBSD.
> >
> > Huh.  OK, adding showproc: /bin/cat seemed to do it.  Thanks.
> >
> > Oops, no it didn't.  It works for your messages but that's
> > because it's text/plain, doesn't work on anything else such
> > as an html doc that I run through w3m to show as ascii.
> >
> > Can whoever made this change explain how to turn it off?
> I built a fresh version (commithash 0e68a78e44d03c) and ran it
> through ktrace to see what gets called. I have
> mhshow-show-text/html: charset=%{charset};
>   w3m ${charset:+-I $charset} -T text/html %F
> in ~/.mh_profile. mhshow calls w3m to format the text
> and then calls less to display the formatted text. It
> also calls mhl. Setting -showproc has no impact, it still
> goes through less.
> You can try setting -showmimeproc to /bin/cat but that
> is probably not what you want for html!
> Looking through git log, the following may have be interest:
> commit 54c9b8ee126b284c25b8ae3c7e600638fda2cb06
> Author: David Levine <>
> Date:   Sun Jan 30 09:26:44 2022 -0500
>     [app1, app2, ... appN] shows the order that uses
>     when looking for the helper for the specified content type and
>     optional subtype.
>     Support for audio content is only added if /dev/audioIU or /dev/audio
>     exists.
>     Old helper appplications
>     ========================
>     [acroread, okular, evince, xpdf, gv]: application/pdf
>     [okular, evince, gv]: application/postscript
>     [ivs_replay]: application/x-ivs
>     [soffice]: application/msword
>     [splayer, raw2audio, cat >/dev/audio]: audio/basic
>     [adpcm_dec, play]: audio/x-next
>     [xv, netpbm + djpeg + xwud]: image
>     [w3m, lynx, elinks]: text/html
>     [richtext, rt2raw]: text/richtext
>     [mpeg_play]: video/mpeg
>     Changes:
>     1. replaced use of netpbm with mpv --keep-open, preferring mpv over xv
>     2. replaced mpeg_play with [mpv, mplayer] for video (not just video/mpeg)
>     3. moved acroread to end of application/pdf list
>     4. removed application/x-ivs support
>     5. removed text/richtext support
>     6. added mhshow-suffix-video.mp4 to mhn.defaults
>     New helper appplications
>     ========================
>     [okular, evince, xpdf, gv, acroread]: application/pdf
>     [okular, evince, gv]: application/postscript
>     [soffice]: application/msword
>     [splayer, raw2audio, cat >/dev/audio]: audio/basic
>     [adpcm_dec, play]: audio/x-next
>     [mpv --keep-open, xv]: image
>     [w3m, lynx, elinks]: text/html
>     [mpv, mplayer]: video

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