As shown by X. Wang, FO, FOCE and LAPLACE form a hierarchy of approximations.
Both the FO and FOCE methods are based on the same underlying Laplacian 
approximation to the
integral of the joint likelihood function of the random effects (eta's).  
The basic Laplace approximation requires knowledge of
the value of the  joint likelihood function at its peak, and the second 
derivatives at the
eta values at which the peak is reached.   
The FOCE method adds 1 additional approximation to get the
Hessian matrix of second derivatives at the peak of the joint likelihood 
from first derivatives, but accurately
determines the position of the peak (the empirical Bayes estimates)
in random effects  (eta) space
and the function value at the peak  (this determination of the EBE's  is what 
the 'conditional step' 
 is all about and is computationally costly.)
Although the underlying Laplacian approximation is based on the local behavior 
of the
joint log likelihood function in the neighborhood of its peak, FO does not 
investigate the behavior 
of the joint likelihood function near its peak at all (which is basically why 
FO estimates can be arbitrarily
poor).   Instead it guestimates the value at the peak by extrapolating from 
eta=0, using a single Newton step
based on approximate first and second derivatives at eta=0. It also simply 
assigns the FOCE
 approximate values of the
second derivatives at eta=0 to the values at the peak in order to evaluate the 
Laplacian approximation.
These additional approximations layered on top of the basic Laplacian and FOCE 
by FO are quite dubious for significantly nonlinear model functions, and often 
result in very poor quality
parameter estimates compared to FOCE and Laplace.
Strictly speaking. FOCE and FO objective values cannot be compared in any 
consistently meaningful sense.
But loosely speaking, since both FO and FOCE share a common base Laplacian 
approximation, but FO layers
on additional approximations on top of FOCE,  the difference in FO vs FOCE 
objective values  reflects the
effects of the additional FO approximations.  Large differences may suggest 
that the additional FO approximations
have large effects, and make the FO estimates even more suspect relative to 

Robert H. Leary, PhD 
Principal Software Engineer 
Pharsight Corp. 
5520 Dillard Dr., Suite 210 
Cary, NC 27511 

Phone/Voice Mail: (919) 852-4625,  Fax: (919) 859-6871 

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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 9:40 AM
Subject: [NMusers] OFV higher with FOCEI than FO

Dear All, 

I am analyzing a data set pooled from 4 clinical studies with rich sampling.  
When I fit a 2 comp oral absorption model with lag time using FO, I got 
successful minimization with COV step, but minimization was not successful when 
I used FO parameter estimates as initial estimates for FOCE run.  When I used 
FOCE with INTER minimization was successful with COV step but the OFV is much 
higher (~25000 vs 20000) with FOCEI estimation than FO.  The parameter 
estimates make more sense with FOCEI than FO.  My questions are, 

Can we get something like this or I am missing something here?   
Can we compare OFV between different estimation methods (my understanding is no 
and OFV in case of FO does not make a lot of sense)?   

Ayyappa Chaturvedula
1500 Littleton Road,
Parsippany, NJ 07054

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