On Mar 24, 2009, at 4:40 PM, quixopix wrote:

> Ca-ching has come out with their iPhone or iPod app and I see it
> rising sharply.
> I too have watched and waited, finding other apps that almost work
> with moneywell but don't
> I think a bunch of time and opportunity has been squandered
> Focused on answering and perfecting other things.
> It's too bad really that moneywell couldn't have been first with a
> polished iPod or iPhone app
> That links to the desktop.
> Oh well I tried to help out, finding 2 other apps that sort of did the
> job.
> I would think moneywells market penetration will be significantly
> effected with it's laxidazical release of a portable app and focus
> elsewhere.
> By the way it's my birthday today.  Maybe I'll buy ca-ching and try it
> out as I'm growing old waiting here.

It's a tradeoff. Cha-Ching delayed their 2.0 desktop version and it is  
now only in beta. They also chose to add fewer features and limited  
cash flow manage to their desktop app but work more on a very visual  

Happy birthday!


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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