Respectfully, I am not the typical poster here.  I am a revolutionary and a 
trailblazer, and everything I do is geared for maximum effect.  I have 
precisely zero interest in working for paychecks or even creating something 
for the purpose of selling out to a corporation.  I am interested in 
starting a truly socialist movement... one whose participants understand 
that like it or not, we are constantly moving into a post-capitalist future.

This ultimately just means that the historical corporate/ad buying business 
model will slowly give way to models that have the notion of "social 
capital" at their core.  For any arbitrarily complicated web domain that 
does not live and die by the ad revenue "sword" -- for example a university 
or a municipality -- there is the ever present problem of getting naive 
users to navigate the domain.

Today's websites typically do not use much logic when organizing their 
resources.  It all comes down to physical page space.  So if one page 
becomes too crowded with content, then another page must be created.  Then 
the problem reduces to how to develop a menu of links that allows to user 
to navigate to the appropriate resource.  At the moment, there are no 
standards as to how a site should organize its content.  Everyone has to 
roll their own navigation solution, and when happening upon a new domain 
for the first time, a user has to spend an arbitrary amount of time parsing 
the visual layout, in order to create a site tree in their minds.

For everyone who says that the desktop environment is simply a "metaphor", 
I would have to disagree.  Our modern desktop GUI's are the result of a 
evolutionary process... a process that has resulted in the most intuitive 
and powerful of navigation systems.  All that I am saying is that we stop 
thinking of the client-side as a mere afterthought.  For anyone who wants 
to devote their efforts towards codifying a standard client-side browser 
web-app interface, there will be countless service providers who will 
breathe a sigh of relief that they will no longer be forced to worry about 
layout and navigation.

And yes, I know there have been many many efforts in the past that have 
tried to bring the desktop experience into the browser.  The first obvious 
problem is that Javascript has only recently become performant enough to 
allow there to be pretty much zero difference from the native OS in terms 
of icon/window handling.  

Next, all of those other efforts were pre-HTML5, which pretty much forced 
the applications to rely upon a back end for the purpose of saving state. 
 But now, there are so many different ways to save to the client, it 
actually makes me blush!

And last but not least, we are really talking about doing a kind radical 
paradigm inversion that conservative corporate interests just have no 
interest in.  The politics of the modern WWW is such that most websites are 
completely in service of the corporate bottom line.  And since corporations 
have historically been all about buying up ad space/ad time in whatever 
medium it can (print, radio, TV...), the Web has inevitably found itself as 
having this exact same kind of role.

So there really is not "allowed" to be very much creativity on the Web, if 
this creativity would only confuse/aggravate the corporate bosses who are 
just trying to hawk their wares to as many naive consumers as possible. 
 The result of all of this political mumbo-jumbo is that the lowly web 
developer is forced to think of him/herself as a mere layout designer... 
such that the given layout gives sufficient prominence to whatever ad space 
it is trying to sell.  So the Web becomes nothing but a series of static 
magazine-like page layouts.  The only difference being that Web pages have 
magic "hyperlinks" that quickly move us between arbitrary pages.

In this case, the programming language of the Web (Javascript) is 
completely in service of the thing (the DOM) that allows for the 
representation of the layouts.  The paradigm inversion ultimately comes 
down to making the layout representations completely in service of the 
programming language.  The popular view is that Javascript exists primarily 
to allow for popup menus and client-side form validation.  This view holds 
that Javascript is fundamentally incapable of allowing for the kind of 
functionality that I have demonstrated.

So anyone who tries to do what I am attempting must be fully aware of all 
of these issues, and must have the appropriate battle plan in place. 
 Anyone who simply has the "bright idea" to start using Javascript in order 
to mimic desktop functionality is pretty much doomed to irrelevance if they 
are not able to mount a good enough challenge against the corporate 
interests of yore.

Which brings me back to the original point I made on this post.  In order 
to pull off this paradigm shift, I realize that I have to become a "larger 
than life" figure.  I have to turn myself into a kind of heroic figure in 
the minds of the average Web using public.  I currently live in 
Gainesville, Florida which is home to the massively important institution 
known as the University of Florida.  I was published as the lead story in 
the UF student newspaper (The Alligator) under the title, "Turlington 
Dancer Spreads Love, Equality."  I like to keep myself in terrific shape 
and walk around in public wearing very short shorts.  I have recently 
started a roadside campaign, where I've been holding a sign that says, 
"Fall in Luv with the Web...".  You should really see me 
dancing out there... it's a sight to behold!

By doing this I am making myself the kind of public figure who has the kind 
of celebrity status to at least have a fighting chance against the fat cat 
corporate bosses.  I mean, Google itself is still forced to operate under 
the old paradigm because its fate rests in the hands of the old business 
model.  There is really not much that Google can do because its very 
identity is wrapped up in the notion that the Web is truly all about a 
networked set of static, hyperlinked documents.

But anything I am involved with will begin from the premise that our 
browsers ultimately exist simply to provide a thin layer between the 
hardware and the application.  Our in-browser API's are constantly 
providing more and more access to the native OS.  Application developers 
can start worrying solely about business logic without any of the mechanism 
logic getting in the way.  Whenever we want to accomplish a non-trivial 
task on our computers, we are very often faced with the decision of whether 
to allow a given native application to gain full, naked access to our 
hardware.  There is always the inveitable, dreaded prompt that asks if we 
would like to give program X the ability to... get ready for it... MAKE 

So now we can just start thinking of our browsers as the ultimate sandboxes 
that have very sophisticted interface building and networking tools.  It 
will slowly start to dawn on native applications developers that there is 
just no longer very much demand for their products and services, and they 
will be required to live under the contraints that the in browser 
Javascript environment enforces.  Everything I am doing, then, is a bet 
against a vision of the future that sees the web browser as the only user 
space native application on any given computer.  Upon booting up, the 
browser will launch automatically in full screen mode (with no way of 
minimizing it!).  Given this vision of the future of personal computing, 
doesn't it make sense to start investing time and energy towards making the 
client interface as intuitive, configurable, and powerful as possible?

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