I mostly agree, but I personally think it's worse than you make it out to
be.  Take a look at the Percolator and express examples at
http://percolatorjs.com/examples.html and you'll see that most of the
reason that the express version is ~2x longer is due to error handling.  I
find setting up error-handlers to be boring as hell and frankly don't want
to do it anymore.  Also see the absolutely brilliant webmachine state
machine diagram at
see all the kinds of errors that can occur, many before you even
 And when a good REST API responds with a 404, for example, it should do so
in exactly the same way every time regardless of whether the 404 is found
in the router (no route exists) or in the resource (the requested item
doesn't exist in the database).

Real-world apps need to share a lot more across response handlers than just
error-handling though.  In just my current app I need to share these common
services amoung the different response handlers:  statsd, the database, a
logger, and a message queue.

And any time you want to share any centralized resource, it either needs to
1. explicitly passed (breaking the function(req, res) signature)
2. monkey-patched on either of the req or res objects
3. you're stuck with closures implicitly pulling in external state.

I threw out #3 immediately because relying on closures and external state
keeps me from splitting up my response handlers into separate
modules/files.  I also found #2 to be kind of unsanitary, and only
superficially more consistent with the node http server than #1.  Let's
face it, if req and res aren't exactly what node gives back, then you've
lost backward compatibility anyway.  It's not enough for them to be named
the same and contain mostly the same stuff if the code inside makes use of
any of the differences (and the entire point is to make use of the

Let me know if you have better ideas for solving these problems though...


On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 5:53 PM, Jake Verbaten <rayn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The problem of how do I write a generic request handler but still let the
> user decide how to handle errors is frustratingly hard.
> The best solution I have come up with is.
> router.addRoute("/thing", require("route-handler")({ error:
> myErrorFramework }))
> which is annoying at best. you hard couple the signature of the error
> callback to a particular neutral signature that your error framework
> handles.
> But really it's not that bad. You configure your application wide error
> handling system, then configure all your routes in routes.js and pass in
> the error handler to each route handler.
> When building things like these I've only found error handling to be that
> annoying thing that you need everywhere and only be configured once.
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 7:36 AM, Gregg Caines <gr...@caines.ca> wrote:
>> > req.on("end", handler) is an event that only happens once and and will
>> only have a single handler in most cases. Just make request, json and body
>> events and make your $ thing an event emitter.
>> I think you've sold me on that.  Good points.
>> > CRUDCollection (its annoying to rename your concepts a day after you
>> publish your ideas on the mailing list) could be something returns a (req,
>> res) function I can pass to any router I want. For example
>> Sorry. It was actually renamed before I published to the list and I
>> missed updating the one spot in the docs that you found.  You helped me
>> find a documentation bug if it makes you feel any better. :)
>> > What's im trying to suggest is don't write a JSON framework. Write
>> modules that make writing a JSON API server easier. Then later build
>> whatever opinionated framework you want on top of it.
>> Alright so there are a couple of problems that I ran into with this
>> approach mainly revolving around modularity.  Percolator lets you create
>> node modules out of the objects that handle the requests for methods of a
>> single 'resource'.  These modules need more than req and res though if
>> they're going to share functionality server-wide.  Functionality like error
>> handling, server configuration information, inevitable global variables,
>> etc.  There are a number of aspects that can't just be require()ed in and
>> must be passed at runtime.  I'd considered a third parameter for that
>> stuff, or monkey-patching req and res like express does, but neither seemed
>> very pure from a node perspective, so I went with what would be easiest on
>> the app developer, and would ultimately make creating a consistent http api
>> easiest.
>> One good example in CRUDCollection is the triple-duty that fetch()
>> provides.  That method is called for GET, PUT, and DELETE to determine a
>> 404 scenario automatically before the handlers for GET, PUT and DELETE are
>> even called.  The system-wide error handler is called, with the current
>> request url to put out a nice 404 message in the case that the thing could
>> not be retrieved.  If it could be retrieved, you don't have to make that
>> database call again in GET to send it to the user, it's simply available as
>> $.fetched .
>> These might seem like small things, but these small things are basically
>> death-by-1000-cuts when trying to write a real API.  See the difference in
>> length between the express version and the Percolator version for example (
>> http://percolatorjs.com/examples.html ).  There's no one place where the
>> express version is obviously wordy, and yet it ends up being twice as long.
>>  What's additionally not shown is that the linksCollection in the
>> percolator example could have been require()ed in from a separate file
>> because it doesn't rely on closures to share state like the express version
>> does.
>> I'm interested to hear if you have a better a solution for those problems
>> though.  Thanks for the feedback again.
>> G
>> On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 1:58 AM, Jake Verbaten <rayn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > I used the word 'on' in onRequest(), onJson() and onBody(), but those
>>> are not really for streams or even general events and should only ever have
>>> 1 handler/listene
>>> req.on("end", handler) is an event that only happens once and and will
>>> only have a single handler in most cases. Just make request, json and body
>>> events and make your $ thing an event emitter.
>>> > assume you're basically saying this could've been implemented on top
>>> of express.
>>> Hell no. You can implement it on top of http.
>>> CRUDCollection (its annoying to rename your concepts a day after you
>>> publish your ideas on the mailing list) could be something returns a (req,
>>> res) function I can pass to any router I want. For example
>>> var module = CRUDCollection({
>>>   ...
>>> })
>>> arbitaryRouter.addRoute("/myCollection", module.handler)
>>> arbitaryRouter.addRoute("/myCollection/:memberid", module.wildcard)
>>> > I didn't care to have a synchronous middleware system
>>> Agreed middleware systems are poor.
>>> What's im trying to suggest is don't write a JSON framework. Write
>>> modules that make writing a JSON API server easier. Then later build
>>> whatever opinionated framework you want on top of it.
>>> I've listed a few of those modules (
>>> https://github.com/Raynos/routil#routil ), [npm-www](
>>> https://github.com/isaacs/npm-www) demonstrates a bunch more of those
>>> modules.
>>> On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Gregg Caines <gr...@caines.ca> wrote:
>>>> Ohh good questions...
>>>> > There doesn't seem to be any support for streams which sucks.
>>>> Check out http://percolatorjs.com/documentation.html#context-req and
>>>> http://percolatorjs.com/documentation.html#context-res .  Those are
>>>> the unaltered request and response objects, so you can still stream as well
>>>> you ever could from the node standard library.  There's no synchronous
>>>> middleware system like connect here either, so you basically get the stream
>>>> as soon as node does too.
>>>> > Using `onX(cb)` instead of `.on("x", cb)` is going against the grain
>>>> of node for no reason.
>>>> I used the word 'on' in onRequest(), onJson() and onBody(), but those
>>>> are not really for streams or even general events and should only ever have
>>>> 1 handler/listener, so I didn't feel the need to try to emulate the streams
>>>> or events API.  Let me know if you think they're more 'eventy' than I do
>>>> though.  I could certainly name them setRequestPreprocessor(), withJson(),
>>>> and withBody() too if that leads to less confusion with event/stream APIs.
>>>>  I'll have to throw this around in my brain a bit.
>>>> > And other then the Hyper+JSON and JSONmodule thing there doesn't
>>>> seem to be something here that isn't covered by other libraries.
>>>> I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you're basically saying this
>>>> could've been implemented on top of express.  That's not the case though
>>>> once you get into the details:
>>>> * Percolator comes with completely different routing that lets you
>>>> build re-usable components (like that JSONModule).  Building that on top of
>>>> express (where two methods of the same resource know nothing of one
>>>> another) would have been gnarly and not really got me much more than node's
>>>> standard http server does.  The standard lib does a heck of a lot.
>>>> * I didn't care to have a synchronous middleware system like connect,
>>>> because I've yet to find a case for a middleware system like that that
>>>> can't be handled by a 1-liner lazily, and on-demand ($.onJson() is a good
>>>> example of that -- 80% of my requests never need a bodyParser, and the ones
>>>> that do get it with 1 line).
>>>> * I didn't want to have any dynamic html generating functionality at
>>>> all (though it's easily added to an app).  If your app is more website-y
>>>> and not a single-page-app-y, then express is simply the better choice.  If
>>>> you have a single page app with static assets backed by an API, then you're
>>>> in Percolator's sweet spot.  I generally think PJAX should die in a fire
>>>> though, so I don't care to contribute to it.  I said this was an
>>>> opinionated framework, right?  :)
>>>> There are a whole lot of things outside of json apis that express can
>>>> do that Percolator will never do either, so I'd never try to compare this
>>>> to express in general (express is better at basically everything else, even
>>>> in my biased opinion).  Percolator was more inspired by webmachine (
>>>> https://github.com/basho/webmachine/wiki ) and its use-cases than
>>>> sinatra though, so it naturally doesn't use express.
>>>> Thanks for the input!
>>>> On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 3:04 PM, Jake Verbaten <rayn...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Using `onX(cb)` instead of `.on("x", cb)` is going against the grain
>>>>> of node for no reason.
>>>>> I recommend you change that api.
>>>>> There doesn't seem to be any support for streams which sucks.
>>>>> And other then the Hyper+JSON and JSONmodule thing there doesn't seem
>>>>> to be something here that isn't covered by other libraries.
>>>>> Which means I recommend you take those two concepts and make them
>>>>> seperate open source libraries
>>>>> On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 1:28 PM, Gregg Caines <gr...@caines.ca> wrote:
>>>>>> Totally agree, but I'm not even done the server-side yet. :)  I'm not
>>>>>> even entirely sure what the client library should do yet (beyond the
>>>>>> standard http stuff like request or super-agent do), and the only 
>>>>>> consumers
>>>>>> of the API I've written with it are in ruby and erlang, so I'm even a
>>>>>> little language agnostic for client libs.
>>>>>> On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Jonathan Chayce Dickinson <
>>>>>> jonathand...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Good work! Vannevar Bush would be proud of you :).
>>>>>>> A client library to consume this would be nice...
>>>>>>> Jonathan
>>>>>>> On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 9:24 PM, Scott Elcomb <pse...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 1:38 PM, Gregg Caines <cai...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> > Hey all... I've been working on a new framework for restful json
>>>>>>>> apis for a
>>>>>>>> > while, and was wondering if anyone might be interested in taking
>>>>>>>> a look,
>>>>>>>> > giving feedback, etc.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > http://percolatorjs.com
>>>>>>>> Is it fair to assume that percolatorjs is an implementation of your
>>>>>>>> application/vnd.hyper+JSON draft at
>>>>>>>> <http://caines.ca/blog/programming/hyperjson-a-first-draft/> ?
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>   Scott Elcomb
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>>>>>>>>   Member of the Pirate Party of Canada
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