My Opinion on that matter is that people who think node should provide 
opinionated utilities and structures should make a "distro" with their 
opinions. That's how it works with the rest of minimalist software.

for example, the debian creators thought that their system should provide a 
linux base with GNU utilities and manage its software with fully-tested 
.deb packages.

On Monday, 29 April 2013 09:45:06 UTC+2, greelgorke wrote:
> well, we should distinguish a bit. 
> Devs coming from web-frontends probably never used or even heard about the 
> concept of streams, and it is causing troubles for them.
> on the other side, backend devs are used to shared state, threads and all 
> the magic stuff around isolating concurrency in to more abstract models, 
> i.E. actors, green threads, stm etc. many of them never used or heard about 
> the concept of the single-threaded event loop. 
> then, there are devs, which managed to not bother about threads, 
> callbacks, etc, mostly because they used one "silver-bullet" framework, 
> that hid every thing away from them. i guess they will have the hardest way 
> to use or do node. ever wondered about questions like "how do i structure 
> my project in express?" 
> i think node makes it easier to learn it's api by reducing itself to a few 
> core modules. i think it's a nice good way how node exposes relatively 
> low-leve api's in a relatively high level manner. but the thing with "let 
> userland handle the rest" makes it harder to enter the eco-system.
> I don't think that we have real problems with nodes philosophy or it's 
> api. the biggest problem is the entry path to it. RoR success is mainly 
> related to the opinions it have in it. it leads the way. Express does it 
> too, but it's way less opinionated. I do not know many mvc-frameworks on 
> top of RoR, but there are several on top of express. 
> here is it. there is no "userland" out there, that handles the rest. there 
> is a "doersland". the node philosophy is for the "do"ers, and it offers too 
> few to them who are "use"ers. i think it's worth to think about how to 
> bridge the node-philosophy into the "use"ers-land, because the ideas of 
> this philosophy still valid in userland as well.
> Am Sonntag, 28. April 2013 18:17:28 UTC+2 schrieb Isaac Schlueter:
>> > I don't think that node will go mainstream by trying to convert 
>> mainstream 
>> > developers to the callbacks and streams paradigm, simply because it is 
>> > too hard. 
>> This is a judgement that is not substantiated by any evidence whatsoever. 
>> The evidence suggests that most node users, beyond the initial 
>> learning curve, have a pretty easy time with streams, events, and 
>> callbacks.  Compared to the learning curve of, say, Haskell or Clojure 
>> or Erlang or even C (which are all pretty popular, and at least C is 
>> as "mainstream" as it gets), it's a trivial hurdle. When users come 
>> from the front-end, where these concepts have already been around for 
>> ages in various forms, it's even less of a hurdle.  While the 
>> peculiarities of system internals and TCP are a bit new for many, of 
>> course, Node's API is much easier to pick up quickly than any web 
>> browser's. 
>> The evidence I'm referring to is the increasing rate of growth of our 
>> module ecosystem, Node developer jobs being filled, and companies 
>> using node in their products, vs the comparatively low rate of these 
>> questions on the mailing list, irc, issues, and stackoverflow. 
>> It is a minority that has serious trouble with this, and they tend to 
>> learn quickly, and never have trouble with it again.  (As shown in 
>> this case by this thread, where Slobodan grokked the answers quickly 
>> and moved on while we all debated the best way to answer his question 
>> :) 
>> Node is pretty obviously on the path to mainstream-ness, and patterns 
>> that deviate from its minimal set are pretty fringe.  (The least 
>> fringe alternative control-flow pattern is Promises, by a long shot, 
>> helped by the fact that it has considerable uptake in the front-end JS 
>> world.) 
>> On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 7:22 AM, Bruno Jouhier <> 
>> wrote: 
>> > Hi Nuno, 
>> > 
>> > Your post is helpful. I'll try to challenge it in a constructive way. I 
>> > think that most of disagreement comes from a different perspective on 
>> means 
>> > and ends. 
>> > 
>> > From your perspective, node is an end in itself: you **do** node; you 
>> build 
>> > streams; you write callbacks; etc. For you, adherence to node's core 
>> > philosophy is paramount. 
>> > 
>> > From my perspective, node is just a means to an end: we **use** node. 
>> For 
>> > us, the end is to more our product forwards. Node is just one piece of 
>> the 
>> > puzzle we are assembling (an important one). For us, node's core 
>> philosophy 
>> > is "interesting" but it is not binding. 
>> > 
>> > Our team is growing and when I'm bringing new people on board I'm not 
>> > teaching them callbacks and streams; I'm teaching them streamline. This 
>> is 
>> > because I need them to get up to speed quickly and I also need to have 
>> a 
>> > code base which is simple, robust, easy to maintain and homogeneous. 
>> They 
>> > can still learn callbacks and streams on their own and I'm encouraging 
>> them 
>> > to be curious but our internal coding standard is streamline. 
>> > 
>> > Also, I considered node's philosophy when architecting our new system. 
>> But I 
>> > have difficulties to fit what we are doing into the streams and pipes 
>> > paradigm. It does not feel "natural" and I don't see what benefits I 
>> would 
>> > gain. For me, it is much more natural to architect our system as 
>> classical 
>> > modules that **consume** streams than as streams that would be piped 
>> into 
>> > each other. I find the pure asynchronous nature of node very appealing 
>> but I 
>> > find the streams & pipes philosophy less appealing. Maybe there is also 
>> a 
>> > question of maturity: the asynchronous APIs are something we can very 
>> easily 
>> > build upon today (in part thanks to streamline); the streams & pipes 
>> looks 
>> > more like an experiment in progress, which may turn out to be a real 
>> > breakthrough but which would be introducing too much complexity for us 
>> > today. 
>> > 
>> > I also have a different perspective on node's APIs. I followed the 
>> > discussions on the new streams API and I was always amazed by the very 
>> > strong focus on the "building streams" side. I find this very complex 
>> and 
>> > fragile. In our system, we very rarely build a stream but we consume a 
>> lot 
>> > of streams. So we have a small wrapper that gives us a very simple API 
>> to 
>> > consume streams. We are not following the core philosophy but it does 
>> not 
>> > really matter for us. What matters is that we can build our product. 
>> > 
>> > Now, when a person comes the the mailing list with a question, I wonder 
>> what 
>> > his perspective is. Does he want to **do** node, or is he just trying 
>> to 
>> > **use** node to build something? If his goal is to **do** node, then 
>> yes, 
>> > Mikeal is right with his hard line: people should not blur the message 
>> and 
>> > give him advice that may distract him from node's philosophy. But what 
>> if 
>> > all he wants is to **use** node, maybe in ways that are not completely 
>> > aligned with node's core philosophy, like we do? should we stick to the 
>> hard 
>> > line, or should we let him explore "other ways" that may be a better 
>> answer 
>> > to his needs. 
>> > 
>> > The node ecosystem is growing fast, with people that **do** node, and I 
>> > don't want to disrupt this. But I feel that there is a great 
>> opportunity for 
>> > node to go more mainstream (like PHP and RoR). I don't think that node 
>> will 
>> > go mainstream by trying to convert mainstream developers to the 
>> callbacks 
>> > and streams paradigm, simply because it is too hard. I think that it 
>> can do 
>> > so by being open and letting people just **use** node, and this is 
>> where 
>> > alternate tools may help. 
>> > 
>> > I don't have a good answer to what the line of conduct should be on the 
>> > mailing list. But I don't think that excluding discordant voices is the 
>> > right solution (in this specific case but also in general). 
>> > 
>> > Bruno. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > On Sunday, April 28, 2013 3:01:05 AM UTC+2, Nuno Job wrote: 
>> >> 
>> >> Node means a certain set of things, and part of those things are 
>> callbacks 
>> >> and streams. 
>> >> 
>> >> Callbacks and streams are hard to learn because its a new programming 
>> >> paradigm you don't learn in school. It was hard for me too and I did 
>> it when 
>> >> this was still up for discussion. And I had good friends to teach me 
>> that 
>> >> really knew node. 
>> >> 
>> >> Developers will always try to fast track to their already understood 
>> >> paradigms; but that is not node. This existing paradigm makes sense to 
>> build 
>> >> network proxies; which node is awesome for. To node programs are 
>> proxies. 
>> >> 
>> >> A person should always start with callbacks and streams until he 
>> >> understands them, closures, and the event loop. Then he can make 
>> informed 
>> >> decisions on what to use when. 
>> >> 
>> >> However node is not the solution to all problems and if you wanted to 
>> >> build a general purpose replacement for Ruby on Rails in JS you 
>> probably 
>> >> wouldn't use callbacks and streams by something else as discussed. 
>> >> Personally i think this would be great, an would follow closely such a 
>> >> project. It could even interopt with node and npm but its not node! 
>> >> 
>> >> Given my opinions above it makes sense that i would advocate that a 
>> node 
>> >> beginner should start with the standard idioms: callbacks and streams. 
>> It 
>> >> might even make sense to make these documented as "the standard" on 
>> the 
>> >> site. 
>> >> 
>> >> However its possible that this is not the best solution for the person 
>> >> that asked the question, but then maybe that person shouldn't be using 
>> node 
>> >> and instead the brand new super cool thing someone will build. Or 
>> maybe he 
>> >> needs to learn how node works and then decide, by himself, that 
>> something 
>> >> else makes more sense. 
>> >> 
>> >> The ecosystem exists, it has an interoperability model, and works 
>> great 
>> >> for what node is for (check node success). Improvements on this model 
>> are 
>> >> possible (like streams2) but even those aren't without backlash. 
>> Breaking 
>> >> changes are also awesome, but its not node 
>> >> 
>> >> Nuno 
>> >> 
>> >> Ps. Cause this doesn't seem obvious to everyone, these are just my 
>> >> personal opinions. And I expressed them here mostly in respect to 
>> Bruno who 
>> >> did a blog post i thought was respectful and thoughtful, and i felt 
>> >> compelled to respond in the same manner. We have a great community and 
>> i 
>> >> respect a lot the work and passion community members put into their 
>> projects 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> > 

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