On Sun,  8 Jan 2012 00:52:38 -0700, Adam Wolfe Gordon <awg+notmuch at xvx.ca> 


> There should probably be some customize variables for this in emacs, to 
> control
> (for example) whether to quote HTML parts and whether to prefer HTML or
> plaintext parts for quoting. Any suggestions for what should be customizable
> would be appreciated.

I think two variables should suffice: one (boolean) to control whether
to quote standalone text/html parts, and one to control which parts of a
multipart/alternative part to quote.  The latter should take possible
values 'text, 'html, and 'both.  This requires the emacs reply
functionality to distinguish between html parts that are part of a
multipart/alternative and those which are not, which (AFAICT) the
current code doesn?t do.

I haven?t tested the patch yet, but it looks very promising.  Thanks!

Aaron Ecay

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