Yes please release 1.5

On Monday, 15 December 2014, Lars Corneliussen // Zen <>

> Hi Roman,
> even though it "hurts" I think retiring the project is the right thing to
> do.
> Not because of the quality of NPanday, but just because the (developer!)
> community is effectively gone.
> While I'm still using NPanday every day (1.5 snapshot), it is all on the
> same project and there is no need for further development currently.
> And just the fact that we haven't been able to release 1.5 for ages shows
> the lack of a functioning community.
> I might invest in releasing 1.5 - but I might also keep saying this the
> years to come.
> Although for releasing 1.5 we wouldn't need more than somebody just doing
> the release with how 1.5 is now.
> So if someone volunteers - just go ahead.
> _
> Lars
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: <javascript:;> [
> <javascript:;>] Im Auftrag von Roman Shaposhnik
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2014 19:29
> An: <javascript:;>
> Cc: <javascript:;>
> Betreff: Re: Determining next steps for the NPanday
> On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 2:08 AM, David Akehurst <
> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > I would like it to stay
> > I have done some development for it
> Please note that retirement doesn't make source code go away -- it will
> still be available for you to use and hack on.
> Retirement is ASF's way of telling outside world that even though source
> is still there and available, the community is gone. Now, as I said, the
> measure of the community "being there" could be interpreted as *at the very
> least* having 3 active participants since all decisions would require 3
> votes minimum.
> Not sure if NPanday has that, but would love to be contradicted.
> Thanks,
> Roman.
> P.S. Finally, should 3 active participants show up after the retirement,
> reviving the project takes very little time.
> Hence its not like a permanent state of things.

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