This means it's going to be a bit harder to find out about  
concerts... for now. And it must suck for people who just recently  
joined. But Prince will definitely be back soon. I can't imagine him  
without a web presence. And my guess is that he ended the Club  
suddenly, but will be back with a "normal" web site. There will be no  
more Club - but I think he will have a new Artist website designed  
and on line - he will surely sell merchandise there and maybe  
continue to offer pre-sale concert tix like other artists do.

I'm glad he's changing things. Personally, I was hardly ever using  
Club site anymore (except for concert info). It's strange that he  
wouldnt have another website designed and ready to go, but hey, thats  
Prince! He probably just told his people a couple of weeks ago to  
shut it down.


<Moderator: Shit! There was a ton of other sources that did better at
providing Prince related that NPGMC so I say good riddance. Hopefully a more
function site will come out of the ashes of that horrible site  -Derek>

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Jul 4, 2006 9:04 AM
> Subject: NPNY: Happy 4th? - Re: Music Club Hiatus
> To:
> 2159fd1e41f690756f36dc87813833b2866e14058d4cf7af7dc3cedf14da50d33765d7 
> 1ddb4f
> c9ed350badd9bab72f9c350badd9bab72f9c350badd9bab72f9c
> X-Originating-IP:
> Precedence: bulk
> Reply-To:
> Good Lord, now what? What's this hiatus stuff? No more club? They  
> didn't
> even bother to send an email. Does anyone think this is serious or  
> just some
> stupid new stunt? I had to go to to find out about it. I  
> bet it
> does come back but with a yearly membership. There's going to be a  
> lot of
> pissed off people, especially the ones who just joined.
> Of course it doesn't help that I was already having a crappy  
> holiday. Last
> night I was horribly betrayed by someone who supposedly loves me, I  
> have
> this sinking feeling that I may never again see someone else that I  
> really
> wanted to "get to know", and today I get to look forward to the family
> barbeque where I get to be insulted and berated my brother tries to  
> drown me
> in the pool like he does every year.
> Fine, Prince. Do whatever the hell you want. Go play with your  
> celebrity
> friends instead at 3121 and ignore people like me who have stuck  
> with you
> for over 20 years. To show how much I don't care, I'm going to break
> tradition and not play the extended version of America like I do  
> every July
> 4th. I have more important things to worry about now.
> Despite the above rant, I really do wish all the NPNY'ers a happy  
> and safe
> holiday.
> Tom
> <Moderator: We all kind of saw this coming. We speculated on it a  
> few weeks
> ago when they stop taking membership.  -Derek>

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