I agree, too. It boggles the mind how he keeps shooting himself in the 
foot like this. 3121 was wonderful. Musicology was a good album too, both 
critically acclaimed. Now, after all these exclusive (read: expensive) 
shows and a lot of wonderful press, this album arrives to mediocre reviews 
(in the press) at best.

I'll buy it too, maniac that I am. Hopefully one or two of the songs have 
the potential to grow on me. Still, sometimes, don't you wonder what this 
pretty little man is thinking?

<Moderator: Oh! Let's talk about that last part for a sec. "Grow On Me". I 
noticed that term being used a lot on Prince fans lately. It's not very 
good, but it will grow on me. That is pretty sad that anything has to grow 
on anyone. Its like maybe if I less to it enough I will brainwash myself 
into liking it...   -Derek>

You're so vain; I bet you think this all is about you....

----- Original Message ----
To: npny@lists.panix.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 2:19:17 PM
Subject: Re: NPNY: Planet Earth...Listen to it.

Well Derek,,, Sadly I must say I agree with you. I heard it and will buy it
when it comes out but probably won't put it back in cd player anytime soon. And
that sucks because I LOVED 3121  and thought I had the "old" Prince back.

> <Moderator: No worries, the album sucks too. You can wait till you get
> home. Planet Earth is basically Chaos and Disorder Pt. 2. Only difference
> is they are a better choice of songs in PE. I am extremely dissapointed in
> PE. You would think after taking a year off he would have some strong
> material ready for release. There are maybe 3 gems in an album of 10
> tracks. I think most of these tracks ar left over from TRC, ONA,
> Musicology and 3121.  -Derek>

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