Yo..I hated 1999, PR, Parade and Lovesexy upon first listen. "Grow  on me"  
is not a derogatory term regarding the music. We in this age  are so quick
take a spin, listen to downloads, leaks etc and then be "meh, it  stinks!" 
without giving the music a chance to  mentally marinate..to take  it to a
bbq for 
example and have an experience with it to engage you into  the music. Not 
giving an excuse for crap music but come on now. Princes jams the  last
haven't been THAT bad. 

<Moderator: Yeah, but they haven't been that good either. Nowadays I don't
buy albums anymore why? Because there are maybe 1 or 2 songs on it that I
actually like after a few listens. Not worth my 9.99 to 18.99. btw why is
the msrp of Planet Earth 18.99?!? What crack is Sony smoking? No wonder
there mad LOL -Derek>

In a message dated 7/17/07 12:01:28 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  

<Moderator: Oh! Let's talk about that last part for a sec. "Grow On  Me". I 
noticed that term being used a lot on Prince fans lately. It's not  very 
good, but it will grow on me. That is pretty sad that anything has to  grow 
on anyone. Its like maybe if I less to it enough I will brainwash  myself 
into liking it...    -Derek>

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