I found out that these shows at Prince's house in LA cost  2 million dollars
to put on. Sponsors come up with the money.  So if he's charging  2 mil for
a show at his house, and all he does otherwise is wrote and play
music...this website is unacceptable. He can afford to pay someone to do
more. For someone who was once on the edge of where the web is going (with
NPGMC) he's now down to having a poorly updated fancy blog.

He's become one of those "old school" acts like the Stones. Of course it's a
good show,  they're great  songs.

On Feb 13, 2009, at 5:03 PM, loven happiness wrote:

> I agree Robin. Prince does not care a fig about his fans. If he did, 
> he'd behave a lot differently towards us. I know a lot of people say 
> it is crazy to expect anything from him, that he owes us nothing> 
> Maybe I'm too simple because I don't think that is true. He does owe 
> us respect. We've given it to him, right? Not to mention all kinds of 
> money and benefit of the doubt.
> And
> BTW my feelings about that pic aren't because he is getting old. He is 
> still a pretty, pretty man. He just makes some, um,  interesting 
> choices about his attire etc. these days. And that choice was just odd 
> and, in my opinion, gruesome. It isn't about age. I mean, someone like 
> David Bowie, who is older than Prince I think, still looks amazing.
> ********************************************************
> You're so vain; I bet
> you think this all is about you....
> ________________________________
> From: Robin Turner <cherrymoon2...@yahoo.com>
> To: npny@lists.panix.com
> Sent:
> Friday, February 13, 2009 7:21:20 AM
> Subject: Re: NPNY: Two New Pics on
> LotusFlower site
> Belinda I understand what you're saying and I partially agree with 
> Derek also.
> It seems as though "WE" (the fans) put out the biggest amount of 
> money, time and effort - while the celebs get all the freebies.
> No they don't care what his last album (CD) was and won't buy it, heck 
> they're getting it free of charge.  Quite a few of us paid for the
> O2 book,
> and you don't think he's been giving that one way since before it was 
> published...He needs recognition from his peers.  It's just that his 
> PEERS aren't gonna pay the money to see him.
> I doubt when he was at the RIO any of
> the celebs paid $1,000 for the table.
> No, they got in
> free because it was a
> win/win situation for both.  While the fans stood for hours on end.
> As Derek
> said, if he really knew how to run a business this wouldn't be a 
> problem.
> However, I do have a problem spending my money so he can give FREE 
> shows to people who can definitely afford to pay.  Except if they had 
> to - they wouldn't be there.
> Since Cali is at least a 5 hour trip, and he announces most of his 
> shows last minute, East Coast would be hard pressed to get to Cali, 
> get settled and attend an event.
> Yeah this is long, but I've sat and watched and am a little 
> disappointed.
> At
> this age, I expect a little more respect, especially if it's on MY 
> Robin aka CherryMoon
> (And Prince if you happen to read this - sorry.  2009 is a NEW YEAR)
> Raise money for your favorite charity or school just by searching the 
> Internet with GoodSearch - www.goodsearch.com - powered by Yahoo!
> http://www.elevatehope.org/index.php
> Chose Elevate Hope Foundation -
> Shelia E Founder
> --- On Thu, 2/12/09, Belinda <largeroomnoli...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> From: Belinda <largeroomnoli...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: NPNY: Two New
> Pics on LotusFlower site
> To: npny@lists.panix.com
> Date: Thursday, February 12,
> 2009, 9:25 PM
> It was a great show and at least we were invited. I hear about these 
> other shows that occur at his house and I didn't get an invite. At 
> least invite me and let me decide if I can afford to go. Invite the 
> people who are actually going to buy the product. Most of these celebs 
> could care less about his next album unless they're getting in free, 
> getting a free copy, can use the event for their own personal screen 
> time or they think it will up their popularity or exposure. I thought 
> everyone paid at a charity event.
> What
> kinda hypocrite goes to a charity event and doesn't contribute to the 
> cause?
> I know
> Sam Talbot paid for him and his girlfriend. But he's not big time 
> known.
> Those people had to pay or Prince would lose money paying for the 
> venue.
> Plus I saw people paying at the table in the back and they weren't 
> fans. Too many pairs of Christian Louboutin shoes stumbling on those 
> horrible cobblestones through our little crowd to the door. I don't 
> care how many celeb events he hosts, I just want us to get invites to 
> at least some.
> Even if I can't afford to go.
> On Feb 12, 2009 4:55 PM, "Andrew Stanger" <astan...@genrmc.com> wrote:
> Hotel
> Gansevort. I paid my 321 x 2 to go with my girlfriend. Was an awesome 
> show...
> AS
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 3:35 PM, <rdh...@aol.com> wrote: > I thought 
> he did some concert last year...

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