I'm not asking for free, I'm just asking to be offered the chance to go. He
should never do anything that expresses his art for free. That devalues what
he does. If you don't think u deserve to get paid for what you do then no
one else will. But anyway. I don't care how many celebrity events he has.
That's cool with me but by no means should it be seen as him partying with
his friends. If he wants to have a party for his friends then I don't wanna
be pissed off hearing about people being there that I'm damn sure are not
friend material. I'd be ecstatic to see that he had a party and invited
Lisa, Wendy, Matt, Sheila, Eric, Dez, Terry & Jimmy, Rhonda, Cat, Jill
Jones, Levi, Morris, Mavis, Tevin, Mayte, Apolonia, Candy, Bonnie Raitt,
Queen Latifa, Brow Mark, Andre, Bryant Gumble, Tamar, Matt Lauer, Tavis
Smiley, Martha Quinn, George Clinton, Carmen, Bobby Z, St. Paul, and various
others that have either worked or played with him and showed love and
respect. I would not be concerned if there were no fans invited because at
least I can say this is a party for his friends and that these people have
shown him honest love and could at least possibly still be a friend. But not
friggin' Paris Hilton. All she was concerned about at Butter was her
Crackberry and pushing us out of the way so she could get to the dance
floor. She didn't even watch the show.

But wait a minute RD. Wasn't it u who started this whole thing with your
"But yall didn't say shit when he played Club Black in NY". That's cuz we
were invited. And actually got in before some of the celebrities. I was
flabbergasted when some of them were stopped at the door (The only one I
remember by face was Orlando Bloom cuz I felt bad for him. I could care less
about the others) and they were told that Prince wants the music club
members to get in first. The limos were pulling up right in front of the
door because they thought they were just going to walk in. I was in the
front of the line near the entrance and I felt proud to hear the security
say that. Even if they treated us like crap at some points. Again at Butter
when Paris pushed us trying to get back to the floor I was proud to hear
someone in his staff tell her "Don't do that, don't treat them like that, he
doesn't like it". I felt like he cared and I was proud to be a fan of an
artist who felt his fans were just as important as these celebrities to be
invited to the same venue to mingle together in the same room. Just like the
Musicology record release party. That's usually a celebrity and industry
only event. I felt awkward in that room for a while until they opened the
dance floor. Then I didn't care about the celebs wandering around. I just
wanted to dance to Prince's music. At Butter we weren't sectioned off from
the celebs. They were actually sectioned off from us. They were told to move
to the sides and let us take the front and center of the house. But they
were still standing right next to us or behind us. Those who cared about his
music, you could tell who they were because they didn't want to be in the
back. They moved closer to us so they could get a good view of Prince. And I
think they knew we weren't going to be all in their faces. Umm hello? Prince
is in the room, and who are u? LOL!! They were comfortable with us. They
weren't in the back on their phones or just sitting in a booth chatting
while that astounding musician and musical genius was sharing the best of
what God gave him.

Yup. I love hearing about the events and I don't want to be cut off from
hearing them even if I wasn't invited. I've been a Prince fan since 1981 and
because of that I also know that it is obviously the nature of a Prince fan
to always complain... no matter what the situation. At this point I don't
think we can help it. He has spoiled us so much that we don't know how to
respond to being deprived of things we don't even have a right to. We
complain when he releases an album; Why did he pick that song as the first
single? Why doesn't he only release it online so we can be the first to get
it? I didn't like that cover. I'm not digging his hair this time. What kind
of packaging is this... mine fell apart. What is this cheap crap he's
selling at his stores. These t-shirts don't fit and he chose the wrong
picture to put on it. Why do I need a symbol guitar I can't play?
WTF candle? Who's baby is that and why do I have to pay for a picture of it?
This new band is not as good as the old band. When is the next album coming
out? I didn't like that last one. We complain when he performs somewhere
other than where we live. I believe we are the only, if not one of the only
fans who ever boycotted the artist they love. PFU Prince! Well back at you
with PFUnk. Hey, we pissed Prince off enough to tell us off in a song...
Wow! We got a new song out of it, let's piss him off again. We openly dis
him about his hair, clothing choice, companion choice, venue choice, social
choice, spiritual choice, word choice, lyric choice and song choice. (of
course we don't let anyone else do it) $312.01... 1 friggin'
cent??? I think he's the only artist who has ever put his fans on time out
for cursing him out when he asked us to send certain bootleg albums we
bought to his lawyer's address. We wanted to know if we would be sent the
money we spent on them in return. If not, somebody was going to be SOL and
it wasn't going to be us. LOL! He has flaws and so do we. It's sad but there
is nothing we can do about it. He is who he is, and we are who we are. He's
going to be who he is and sometimes that's going to piss us the hell off and
we are going to be pissed off about some of the things he does and we're not
going to be happy about being asked to keep that to ourselves. Prince has
always preached freedom and I admire and revere him for that so he can't be
pissed at us if we want to be free to say what we feel.

PS: RD, please don't think this rant is totally directed at you. I'm just
long-winded and impatient for Prince events. I've always been intrigued by
you because of your writing and ever since you put that picture of you up on
the music club. Of course you nearly cursed me out about my comment because
you thought I was a guy. LOL! So this is just my rant because I'm starved
for Prince and that's how I get when I'm feenin'

Luv u all.

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 2:55 PM, <rdh...@aol.com> wrote:

> Wait. So some of y'all are expecting Prince to have 100 people every 
> so often to come to his house and play? Nobody else does this. What he 
> does do is create certain events for his fn to attend. Granted you 
> have to pay sometimes.
> But this was about him not playing to other places in L.A.,  
> specifically NY.
> He DID many events in NY the past few years. No they were not  free to 
> the public but no other artist has fans all come for free. You  think 
> George Michael does this? Rihanna? Coldplay? The only critical thing I 
> can  se is that the reports made about certain home concerts and the  
> celebrities who attended. But get this: if the powers that be did not  
> report about these celebrity parties, but we got whiff of them, 
> there'd be a  hell of a lot of whining about not getting to read about 
> what went on. Stop  being purple hypocrites or get off the boat for 
> real. Its old and stale and curmudgeonly. Y'all are turning into 
> mini-me Bart Van Hemelins and it  is NOT a good look.
> <Moderator: Ahh Hush RD your just saying that cause you got to go this 
> house and sip the Purple Kool Aid,  BTW Where is your review? Where is 
> your NPNY Love?! LOL  -Derek>
> In a message dated 2/13/2009 5:26:00 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
> cherrymoon2...@yahoo.com writes:
> Belinda  I understand what you're saying and I partially agree with  
> Derek also.
> It seems as though "WE" (the fans) put out the  biggest amount of 
> money, time and effort - while the celebs get all the  freebies.
> No they don't care what his last album (CD) was and  won't buy it, 
> heck they're getting it free of charge.  Quite a few  of us paid for 
> the O2 book, and you don't think he's been giving that one  way since 
> before it was published...He needs recognition from his  peers.  It's 
> just that his PEERS aren't gonna pay the money to see  him.
> I doubt when he was at the RIO any of the celebs paid $1,000  for the 
> table.
> No, they got in
> free because it was a win/win  situation for both.  While the fans 
> stood for hours on  end.
> As Derek said, if he really knew how to run a business this  wouldn't 
> be a problem.  However, I do have a problem spending my money  so he 
> can give FREE shows to people who can definitely afford to  pay.  
> Except if they had to - they wouldn't  be there.
> Since Cali is at least a 5 hour trip, and he  announces most of his 
> shows last minute, East Coast would be hard  pressed to get to Cali, 
> get settled and attend an event.
> Yeah this is long, but  I've sat and watched and am a little disappointed.
> At
> this age, I  expect a little more respect, especially if it's on MY  DIME.
> Robin aka CherryMoon
> (And Prince if you  happen to read this - sorry.  2009 is a NEW YEAR)
> Raise money for  your favorite charity or school just by searching the 
> Internet with  GoodSearch - www.goodsearch.com - powered by  Yahoo!
> http://www.elevatehope.org/index.php
> Chose Elevate Hope  Foundation - Shelia E Founder
> --- On Thu, 2/12/09, Belinda  <largeroomnoli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> From: Belinda  <largeroomnoli...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: NPNY: Two New Pics on  LotusFlower site
> To: npny@lists.panix.com
> Date: Thursday, February 12,  2009, 9:25 PM
> It was a great show and at least we were invited. I  hear about these 
> other shows that occur at his house and I didn't get an  invite. At 
> least invite me and let me decide if I can afford to go. Invite  the 
> people who are actually going to buy the product. Most of these celebs  
> could care less about his next album unless they're getting in free,  
> getting a free copy, can use the event for their own personal screen 
> time  or they think it will up their popularity or exposure. I thought 
> everyone  paid at a charity event. What kinda hypocrite goes to a 
> charity event and  doesn't contribute to the cause?
> I know Sam Talbot paid for him and his  girlfriend. But he's not big 
> time known. Those people had to pay or Prince  would lose money paying 
> for the venue. Plus I saw people paying at the  table in the back and 
> they weren't fans. Too many pairs of Christian  Louboutin shoes 
> stumbling on those horrible cobblestones through our little  crowd to 
> the door. I don't care how many celeb events he hosts, I just want  us 
> to get invites to at least some.
> Even if I can't afford to go.
> On  Feb 12, 2009 4:55 PM, "Andrew Stanger" <astan...@genrmc.com>  wrote:
> Hotel Gansevort. I paid my 321 x 2 to go with my girlfriend. Was  an 
> awesome show...
> AS
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 3:35 PM,  <rdh...@aol.com> wrote: > I thought 
> he did some concert last  year...
>  (
> http://yellowpages.aol.com/search?query=florist&ncid=emlcntusyelp00000
> 002)

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