This is to announce the posting of the ns-2.35, nam-1.15, otcl-1.14, and 
tclcl-1.20 source code releases and a corresponding ns-allinone-2.35 

Downloads are available at the Sourceforge project pages; for otcl and
for ns-2, nam-1, and ns-allinone:

Support for Tcl/Tk 8.5 series is a major enhancement across all
packages, largely due to patches contributed a while back by Amir
Habibi.  Tcl/Tk 8.6 is not yet tested/supported.

In ns-2, the remaining issues that have caused discrepancies between
validation results on 32- and 64-bit platforms have been fixed.  In
addition, there are a few new models and updates to existing models:
- Protocol for Unified Multicasting Through Announcements (PUMA)
- Multi-path Dynamic Address RouTing (M-DART)
- Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP)
- SCTP and Tmix extensions

A full changelog for ns-2 is at:

The released packages have been tested on recent Fedora and Ubuntu Linux 
(32/64 bit) systems, OS X Snow Leopard, and Cygwin 1.7.1.

Please use the trackers or ns-developers mailing list to report bugs or
problems with these packages; for otcl and tclcl:
for ns-2, nam-1, and ns-allinone:

- Tom

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