Hullo Shiny,

Apologies for failing to get back to you in time, I've been so caught up.

Please find attached two examples running snoop.

In example snoopns2.tcl, the slight difference in configuration for snoop
is explained in a comment.

Please pay attention to the source path at the beginning of the code.

I hope that will help.

Kind regards,

Nicholas Mbonimpa

P.S: I've run this code on my side and it works just fine.

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 3:25 PM, shiny <> wrote:

> hi frndz,
>  i have added LL/LLSnoop to my tcl script for snoop agent deployment at
> base station.there is no difference with or without LL/LLSnoop. Is there
> any more code to add snoop agent in tcl script.plz help me frndz...
> --
> With Regards,
> John Shiny.J

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