On 5 Apr 2008, Matt Seattle wrote: 

> I think this is the Scots Musical Museum version, located from JC's
> tune finder http://trillian.mit.edu/~jc/tmp/Tune078862.gif it's in B
> flat rather than A flat,

Thanks, Matt. I didn't want to fork out all this year's birthday 
money on a copy if I can avoid it.
The transcription has a couple of anomalous bar lengths, so to be 
handled with a little caution. 

I think the peculiar time intervals on postings may have been my ISP 
(tiscali), since downloading web pages and mail last evening was 
moving at the speed of a glacier before global warming.

Obviously (to get back to Flowers of the Forest) I'm in a minority, 
and the time sig is C or 4/4. I'll have to try playing it with a 
metronome to "get it".

All info still welcome!


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