I'm, glad someone else aid it first.
I wasn't aware that this particular list was only for NPS events and news. I thought it was a general list for anyone interested in any aspect of the pipes. So, if a course is being run and ISN'T held by the NPS we can't read it/post it etc? This puerile twaddle has got to stop before we all leave the list and, the way it's going, the Society too.
Please put personal feeling aside and talk pipes and piping.
If non-society events can't be discussed, what's the point of us non-Northeasteners bothering to belong to the list. I certainly can't get to Newcastle for an event (too far, too expensive, too ill to travel that distance).
OK, if them's the rules........................
How about starting a NEW list where we can discuss ANYTHING to do with piping then? I would agree, however, that this topic would not be permitted in the discussion list (which is for members only). I fail to see how a general, public list (not linked to the NPS as such) can disallow private courses, tutoring, pipe sales etc. I know that certain society members consider themselves a bit of a clique. Most of us don't. We love the pipes (whether we play or not) and enjoy talking about them.
I would be most interested to read about, say, KT doing a concert here.
Apoplectic fits from many members I suppose.
Very sad. This list used to be very open (and I've been here for a long time as well) and honest. Now it's a point-scoring forum.
I no longer look forward to reading the mails as I know what's coming.
Sorry but I'm really getting fed up with reading the snide remarks these days (plus most is lost on me as I don't know the people concerned).
Bah, Humbug...............

Colin Hill

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