Sorry Barry I cant agree with you there.

I would argue that just because the forum is called 'Northumbrian Smallpipes', doesn't mean that topics that are reference points to locate the cultural context of the music, and the pipes themselves, are not relevant, and as you suggest are therefore to be just tolerated.

The culture and the music is intertwined with the pipes and they also refer to other genres, instruments and cultures. How can you separate them?

If we want to regulate this forum to a technical reference tool by discounting the other 'stuff' ,then In my opinion the site would be less informative, and restrictive.

If you want the title to be the measure of the discussion, maybe a longer title might help.

Stephen Douglass

On Feb 6, 2010, at 1:17 PM, Barry Say wrote:

Anthony Robb wrote:
    This is a a forum for that tiny minority of people who have found
   Northumbrian music and culture rewarding and uplifting.
Sorry Anthony, you are mistaken. This is a forum for discussing Northumbrian Smallpipes. It has been a remarkably tolerant place where discussions have taken place on topics such as scottish music, other bagpipes, mouth-organ music and fiddle music to name a few.

We cannot assume that members of this list have any interest whatsoever in the music or culture of Northumberland. The subject of the list is the Northumbrian Smallpipes, all other things are peripheral.


PS Are contributors aware that all there posts are archived for posterity and that future historians of the pipes will be able to trawl these records to form an opinion of the piping community at the beginning of the 21st century.

Wayne keeps a copy at Dartmouth and there are copies at which has over 74 million postings from 6000 +mailing lists

and has the most recent 3919 postings from this list and promises never to delete any of them.

Oh yes, I also have a copy.


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