Da Slockit Light.

This is a Shetland tune written by Tom Anderson, who was a towering figure in Shetland fiddling.

I understand that it was written following the death of his wife when he felt that the way of life he was familiar with was vanishing.

I know little of Shetland, but when I visited the Western Isles I was astonished to see how scattered the cottages were. In English villages, the cottages are generally huddled together and the farming was carried on elsewhere whereas in the Hebrides a village was a sprinkling of cottages over several hillsides.

Tom felt that there weren't as many pinpoints of lights showing on the hillside, indicating that the cottages and crofts were being abandoned and the old ways were vanishing.

At the time he wrote the tune the area did have an electric supply and I understand that the Shetlanders would say 'Slockit Da Light' for turn off the light. However, the term slockit also, apparently refers to the action of snuffing a candle by licking the forefinger and thumb and pinching the wick. So the title also refers to outside, mainland, influences killing the life of the islands.

This is the sum of what I have been told. It is part of the myths which surround tunes. It may be true or it may be false but it's a damn good story and we shouldn't let the facts get in the way of a good story.

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