Den 16-07-2011 00:00, Gibbons, John skrev:


Tom Anderson, who wrote it, explained in an interview in 1970, printed in his bo
ok ''Ringing Strings''............

cut..." made me think of the old word 'Slockit' meaning, a light that has gone o
ut, and I think that was what inspired the tune."

   Just a little scrap of information:  The word "slockit" is in fact just
   a different way of spelling the Danish /Scandinavian word "slukket"
   meaning extinguished or turned off. This is a quite normal word that we
   use every day.
   The facinating thing is that the old "Danish Tounge" has lived on in
   the Shetlands and Orkneys since viking age, and that the traditional
   music in the islands and in eastern scotland and Northumbria shows a
   resemblance with traditional music from the west coast area of Jutland
   in Denmark that is absent in eastern Denmark.
   Bo Albrechtsen

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