It really was terrible stuff.
I'm not going to blame any individuals because its obvious most of them
aren't good enough, however here are my thoughts on an inept few;
Mancienne looked totally useless to me, didn't seem to have a clue where
he was supposed to be.
 Ward made a big difference when he came on but collectively even that
wasn't good enough at least he gets stuck in and is more decisive than
Ebanks Blake didn't get any good service but whenever he got near the
ball he gave it away and fell in a heap on most occasions. Don't think
its going to happen for him.
Edwards gets involved but he was very lucky not to get booked because of
clumsy tackles, not too bad.
Jarvis was our only threat. 
Kightly, who know's, that's probably the last we'll see of him for a
Halford, good job he can throw the ball a long way, but there's rarely
anyone to take advantage.
Hannerman looked very dodgy to start with, might be ok long term though.
Stearman did what I'd expect of him and gets forward 
Henry does the simple things well and always gets lots of praise, maybe
if he tried to be more creative his shortfalls would be more obvious,
don't think he's that special.
Milijas, still think he'd be very effective  alongside a bruiser, by far
our best passer of the ball.
McCarthy, time to say goodbye, if he thinks these players are still good
enough after all this time we are doomed. What must Halford be thinking,
taken off so early because MM got it wrong, Mancienne would of been
first off for me.
New manager and some new players who will make a difference for
EXPERIENCED CENTRAL DEFENDER just for starters, but get the new manager
in first.
Yes I did back us on the TAB again, even I didn't think we were this

Pig's pudding - it's a mon's dinner aer kid

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