but I'm not 100% convinced that it can only be down to the salary cap.
The Scott Dann case is an interesting one as I'm fairly sure that Berra
and Zubar would be on more than he's getting at Blue and there are other
players in the squad such as Doyle and SEB who are earning significantly
more, so it seems that if they see the player as being important enough
then they are happy to pay the wages.
Perhaps Mick set his sights too high with some of the experienced
Premier league players that he wanted to bring in and therefore left
himself without a back-up plan.  Maybe the wages have nothing to with
it, other than for Dann who they probably tried to get cheap as he was
coming from lower divisions.

Marcus Chantry   |  Associate Director

Senior Product Manager - Macquarie Life
Level 3, 1 Shelley Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia 
T +61 2 8232 4259  |  M 0448 887 627

E marcus.chan...@macquarie.com



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From: Steven Millward [mailto:millward....@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, 30 November 2009 12:38 PM
To: nswolves@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: FW: [NSWolves] Why am I watching this? [sec=unclassified]

I agree that there have been some weird tactical decisions but it seems
no one is willing to accept that we can't get the right players in
because of wage caps.  Mick picked those who he could afford to pay the
wages of.  There's a big difference.

2009/11/30 Marcus Chantry <marcus.chan...@macquarie.com>

        I genuinely think that Mick has run out of ideas tactically to
complete in this division.  Putting in a shift and hard work will only
get you so far and now that it's come to point where tactics obviously
need to be changed around, he seems devoid of ideas.  Now if it is the
players at his disposal that limit is tactical options then that is
almost entirely his own fault, if we assume that he personally selected
the players he bought.
        If we are able and willing to get another manager in who has a
better footballing brain then maybe he'll be able to spot something in
the team that Mick hasn't, and that might just be enough to get the team
playing as if they know each other and understand how to play to each
other's strengths.  We do need to try something different and I think
Saturday showed exactly how desperate and tactically inept Mick has
        Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Mick say during the week that
he'd pulled Kightly out of the squad because he still has niggling
injuries and is off the pace to place in the Premier League?  So what
was his tactical stroke of genius on 32 minutes, bring on Kightly!!  The
man's a friggin basket case.  Morgan should help Mick pack his bag and
send back home to Barnsley where they appreciate everything grim.


        From: Steven Millward [mailto:millward....@gmail.com] 
        Sent: Monday, 30 November 2009 12:22 PM 

        To: nswolves@googlegroups.com
        Subject: Re: FW: [NSWolves] Why am I watching this?

        I can only assume that the players with Premiership experience
        (a) weren't approached (Mick's fault, although there were plenty
of rumours that we were after some of these).
        (b) didn't like the wages being offered (not Mick's fault).
        (c) didn't like something else about the club relative to other
clubs (and who knows what this might have been if not wages as we should
be able to compete).
        I agree that we are doomed.  I don't believe we'll find players
in January that will improve the first XI and will be willing to come to
the club.
        It will be interesting to see if Mick gets sacked now.  Does
everyone think the players aren't good enough or that Mick's now getting
enough out of them?  A new manager will only address the second point.

        2009/11/30 Morris, Lee SGT <lee.mor...@defence.gov.au>

                So what happened to all "the premiership experience"? We
haven't got one player who has previously performed well in this league.
                The wage structure is that of a top championship team.
If that is Moxey or Morgan's fault fair enough, we can't sack Morgan can
we? We will find out in January because if we don't make some
significant quality signings we are doomed, surely that is plain for
everyone to see now..
                The yo yo effect doesn't interest me at all, infact it
scares the life out of me. We are where we want to be NOW, so why not go
for it?


                From: Steven Millward [mailto:millward....@gmail.com] 
                Sent: Monday, 30 November 2009 08:43 

                To: nswolves@googlegroups.com
                Subject: Re: FW: [NSWolves] Why am I watching this?

                But that relates to my point about Scott Dann.  We got
the players that were willing to accept the wages we offered.  That's
Morgan and Moxey's fault.
                2009/11/30 Morris, Lee SGT <lee.mor...@defence.gov.au>

                        Ultimately McCarthy
                        They are the players he has brought in and the
players he thinks are good enough.
                        Can't blame the players if they aren't good
enough, what can they do? Keep trying until it becomes easier in the
championship next year????????????????


                        From: Steven Millward
                        Sent: Monday, 30 November 2009 08:12
                        To: nswolves@googlegroups.com
                        Subject: Re: FW: [NSWolves] Why am I watching
this? [sec=unclassified]
                        So is it the players or McCarthy that are at

                        2009/11/30 Morris, Lee SGT

                                It really was terrible stuff.
                                I'm not going to blame any individuals
because its obvious most of them aren't good enough, however here are my
thoughts on an inept few;
                                Mancienne looked totally useless to me,
didn't seem to have a clue where he was supposed to be.
                                 Ward made a big difference when he came
on but collectively even that wasn't good enough at least he gets stuck
in and is more decisive than most.
                                Ebanks Blake didn't get any good service
but whenever he got near the ball he gave it away and fell in a heap on
most occasions. Don't think its going to happen for him.
                                Edwards gets involved but he was very
lucky not to get booked because of clumsy tackles, not too bad.
                                Jarvis was our only threat. 
                                Kightly, who know's, that's probably the
last we'll see of him for a while.
                                Halford, good job he can throw the ball
a long way, but there's rarely anyone to take advantage.
                                Hannerman looked very dodgy to start
with, might be ok long term though.
                                Stearman did what I'd expect of him and
gets forward 
                                Henry does the simple things well and
always gets lots of praise, maybe if he tried to be more creative his
shortfalls would be more obvious, don't think he's that special.
                                Milijas, still think he'd be very
effective  alongside a bruiser, by far our best passer of the ball.
                                McCarthy, time to say goodbye, if he
thinks these players are still good enough after all this time we are
doomed. What must Halford be thinking, taken off so early because MM got
it wrong, Mancienne would of been first off for me.
                                New manager and some new players who
will make a difference for Christmas PLEASE SANTA = A STRIKER / BRUISING
but get the new manager in first.
                                Yes I did back us on the TAB again, even
I didn't think we were this bad.


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