Once again you're assuming it has to be someone with pedigree and/or
well know.  Who in their right mind would have had Roberto Di Matteo or
Ian Holloway on their list of suitable premiership managers?  Certainly
no one in this list has ever mentioned their names but at the moment
they are both doing a much better job than MM.  Our next manager could
well be someone from overseas or a lower division that we've never heard
of, but again that's not to say they won't do a better job than Thick
Mick (wouldn't be hard).



From: nswolves@googlegroups.com [mailto:nswol...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Steven Millward
Sent: Tuesday, 19 October 2010 9:41 AM
To: nswolves@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [BTMO] Splinter Cell?


Big Sam.  I thought people wanted attractive football?  Why would he
come?  Oh yes he's a Wolves fan so he's love to manage a small club on
the brink of relegation


Coppell.  Couldn't take the pressure of a relegation battle.


Curbishley.  Does he want a job as he hasn't worked for two years?


Coyle.  Why would he come?


O'Neill.  Why would he come?

You forgot Mourinho, Alex Ferguson and Ancelotti.


We've got no track record of attracting these sorts of managers.  You're
living in the 1950s


On 19 October 2010 09:10, Rog & Reet <rognr...@exemail.com.au> wrote:

Big Sam, Coppell, Curbishley, Coyle, O'Neill, anybody who runs a hot dog
stand, Paul Bremer....




From: nswolves@googlegroups.com [mailto:nswol...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Steven Millward
Sent: Tuesday, 19 October 2010 8:42 AM
To: nswolves@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [BTMO] Splinter Cell?


That's the thing.  He's one of the best managers in the Championship but
we sacked him.  Having a lesser manager is surely going to be no good.


We've been through this so many times.  At least if someone calls to
sack Mick, can they please suggest a replacement.

On 19 October 2010 08:34, LEESE Matthew <matthew_le...@rta.nsw.gov.au>

Maybe we should give him another go?



From: nswolves@googlegroups.com [mailto:nswol...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Rog & Reet

Sent: Tuesday, 19 October 2010 8:32 AM 

To: nswolves@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: [BTMO] Splinter Cell?


That's right.

Was astounded he'd signed someone under 40 though.


He's not all bad, he has got Bothroyd playing regularly.




From: nswolves@googlegroups.com [mailto:nswol...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of LEESE Matthew
Sent: Tuesday, 19 October 2010 8:11 AM
To: nswolves@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: [BTMO] Splinter Cell?


No way back for Dave Jones then Rog?



From: nswolves@googlegroups.com [mailto:nswol...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Rog & Reet
Sent: Tuesday, 19 October 2010 7:52 AM
To: nswolves@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: [BTMO] Splinter Cell?

Anybody that signs Keogh, even on loan, should forever be banned from
managing our glorious club.




From: nswolves@googlegroups.com [mailto:nswol...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Steven Millward
Sent: Monday, 18 October 2010 4:26 PM
To: nswolves@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [BTMO] Splinter Cell?


So we should sack Mick on the basis that Morgan has someone great in the
wings?  All I ask for is a couple of names.  The pool of qualified
football managers is not that vast and it's all conducted in public so
who should it be?


There's a fella at Cardiff called Jones.  He's a successful lower league
manager.  Maybe we should get him in.



On 18 October 2010 14:26, Marcus Chantry <marcus.chan...@macquarie.com>

I've always had an issue with MM and his selection policy (playing
people out of position and preferring hard work over ability) but I have
also given credit when we have put in good performances.  If you believe
the current run of abject performances combined with a puzzling
selection/recruitment policies is the way that you want our club to be
run then you clearly have lower expectations or standards than I.  Yes
he presents a funny post match conference but that's just a ploy to
distract people from the dire performances that he has overseen.


As mere armchair supporters stranded in the Antipodeans how could we
possibly comment on who an astute business man such as Morgan has
connections to.  We automatically assume that we have to have someone of
vast experience to make us successful.  By way of example only, our dear
friends The Baggies appointed Roberto Di Matteo with only 1 year of
managerial experience under his belt.  He won promotion in his first
season and has a team playing attractive attacking football in the
premier league.  The unfancied Blackpool appointed a manager who is
almost certifiable and has no previous record of success, yet he has
managed to mould a team that, so far, has been successful playing
attacking football.  Even if both these teams to do end up getting
relegated at the end of the season, I'm sure their fans will have
enjoyed the season much more than ourselves who are likely to achieve
the same result (relegation) but only after suffering a season with a
complete lack of creativity or attacking intent.


We don't know what Morgan's master-plan is.  I'm fairly sure that even
if he had people in mind to come and manage the club, we would be the
last to hear about it, but all I'm saying is it doesn't necessarily need
to be a big name who we can look to statistics to demonstrate whether he
is "better" or not that Thick Mick.


I have faith that Morgan is a good businessman.  Wolves and Premier
League football is a business.  Let's hope he makes the right business
decisions before it is too late.



From: nswolves@googlegroups.com [mailto:nswol...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Steven Millward
Sent: Monday, 18 October 2010 1:59 PM 

To: nswolves@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [BTMO] Splinter Cell?


All managers get sacked or quit and Mick will at some point.  You'll
then be able to say "I've told you for the last four years he was no
good.  I told you when we won the Championship and stayed in the
Premiership that he was no good."


Many other people have been quite happy with Mick over the last few
years.  I must admit I'm unhappy about our position and I can see why
people are turning against him.  However, I stand by these two points:


(a)  Statistical evidence that changing managers has no impact on
performance over a season.

(b)  The absence of a credible alternative to come to Wolves if Mick is
sacked (someone who would come and someone who would be better).


There's no point debating (a) but if you can suggest an answer to be
I'll fill out my application and pay you my subs.



On 18 October 2010 13:45, Marcus Chantry <marcus.chan...@macquarie.com>

Judging by the commentary on here since the West Ham game, I'd struggle
to find someone who doesn't want to see MM out, excluding your good self



From: nswolves@googlegroups.com [mailto:nswol...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Steven Millward
Sent: Monday, 18 October 2010 1:42 PM
To: nswolves@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [BTMO] Splinter Cell?


Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.  You happen to be right at
the moment but arguably haven't been right for the last four years as
Wolves have progressed from expectations of a Championship relegation
battle to a second season in the Premier League.


Paul Crowe's defection to BTMO is sexually motivated.  Who else is in
the "rush of applications" that you cite?




On 18 October 2010 13:29, Marcus Chantry <marcus.chan...@macquarie.com>

Roughly one month ago (13th September) it was quoted on this list that
the BTMO doomsayers (both of us) were a splinter cell within NSWolves
who must be getting bored by the fact that we were continuing to grind
out good results.  Well it seems that there has been a sudden rush of
applications to join the BTMO Club.


How times have changed; are we really that fickle to suddenly decide
that 4 weeks of results has instantly made MM rubbish?

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Boo! Thick Mick Out!


Boo! Thick Mick Out!

Boo! Thick Mick Out!


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Boo! Thick Mick Out!


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Boo! Thick Mick Out!


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Boo!  Thick Mick Out!

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