Wednesday, August 27, 2003 Tim 't Hart wrote:

> I agree that there should be another list for e-Omega (Aleph) where we can
> discuss implementing multilingual code for ConTeXt, because I think it's a
> bit off-topic for the regular ConTeXt list.

> But on the other hand, I also support Hong Feng when he wants to create a
> mailing list just for the developers of the CJK package. Or maybe just a
> temporary list, just for organizational reasons.

> Also a reason is that it's not already sure if e-Omega is the best option
> for this (although after using Giuseppe's latest e-Omega version, I think it
> is the best option) and that the creation of the CJK module will need
> discussions that have nothing to do with e-Omega, like implementing CJK
> chapter headings, East Asian line breaking and numbering systems. Although
> some of these are ConTeXt related problems, it's a bit off-topic for the
> general ConTeXt list, but also off-topic for the e-Omega list. (Of course,
> when the developers of the CJK module decide to use e-Omega to implement
> their outcome of the discussions, they can use the e-Omega list)

> Anyway, these are my thoughts about it, and it's getting past my bedtime.
> I'm sure that someone can persuade me to think otherwise! :-)

While I agree that the CJK module is specialized, I'm not sure
the discussion should necessarily take place somewhere else.
After all, it's most definitely a ConTeXt-specific thing.

Maybe you should go the same route as the other "external"
modules? I don't know, where do the other ConTeXt module get
discussed? Does DocbookInConTeXt have its own mailing list?

Anyway, I'm glad to hear that the latest e-Omega is working for
you too :) these news are the best ones me and the others of
the e-Omega task force can receive :)

But, if you find a way to support CJK *without* e-Omega, you
should also try that route; there already is some support for
Chinese, AFAIK, in ConTeXt, so maybe something else can be
done without making use of Omega-specific features (you're
welcome to make use of e-TeX features, which are now almost
universally available).

In any case, good luck with your project,

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

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