On Wed, 7 Jan 2004, Helmut Schwertner wrote:

> Peter Münster schrieb:

> >>>Here again the example, where you can see the problem.

> >>Here's no problem - I get hyphenation.

> > Ok, then there must be a problem with my installation. I only get "evolution"
> > hyphenated, but not "évolution"... :(

> take the  latin modern fonts. This example works with winxp and miktex:

Thanks for this hint. But as I read in newsgroup d.c.t.t aren't there still
bugs with the kerning etc?

Strange: I don't have Latin Modern installed, but your example file
compiled here with texexec without any error nor warning message...

Under LaTeX I used the EC fonts. Will it be difficult to get them work with

So, there is no problem with my installation?

Thanks for your help, Peter

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