Rob Ermers said this at Sun, 3 Apr 2005 16:03:24 +0200:

>I completely agree. Context works fine but, like you, I have not 
>succeeded in installing any new font thusfar.

Okay, I get the message: there are quite a few frustrated would-be font
users out there. I see it as being something that someone can understand
(and explain) fairly well in the abstract, but the details throw up
distribution-specific problems. 

So, because it's the only area I can hope to fix, are there any Mac users
out there (gwTeX) that are (still) frustrated with fonts in the way that
Rob and Ciro are?

For those Mac users, is it a matter of using pre-installed fonts
(Palatino, Helvetica, etc.), or installing your own fonts that is so
 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept.     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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