Sanjoy Mahajan wrote:
> Here's what I had to do to update to the latest Context (2006.07.14) on
> Ubuntu 6.06 (i.e. 2006.06) distribution of Linux.  It comes with tetex
> 3.0.  The commands below assume a working Context already installed in
> your ~/texmf, and the commands use bash syntax, which is almost like
> 'sh' but has the ~ idiom for $HOME.  

Updating context was one of the things on my todo list. great.

> Beforehand I had been using the 2006.04.17 beta and had put off
> upgrading because I was scared of the change from perl texexec to ruby
> texexec.
> 1. (optional cleanup) Delete the old Context-installed files in
>    ~/texmf/.  This step is optional, but I do it so that I can track the
>    versions using an SCM.  I use mercurial (hg is the program name), but
>    it could have been svn, cvs, etc.  The command (done in ~/texmf):
>       hg locate -0 | xargs rm -0
> 2. (download, unpack) Download,, and
>  Probably you need only the first zip file, but I'm
>    reporting exactly what I did just in case any substep is the crucial
>    one.  The command:
>       cd /tmp/  # no need to save them long-term
>       wget{tmf,fnt,img}.zip
>    Unzip the zip archives into ~/texmf, appending the giant
>    list of files to /tmp/a.log:
>       cd ~/texmf
>       for f in /tmp/cont-{tmf,fnt,img}.zip ; do unzip $f >> /tmp/a.log ;done
> 3. (stubs, part 1) Create ~/bin/texmfstart containing two lines:
> #!/bin/bash
> ~/texmf/scripts/context/ruby/texmfstart.rb "$@"
>    Then make it executable with 
>       chmod +x ~/bin/texmfstart
>    From what I can tell from reading the ruby code, using the full path
>    to texmfstart.rb helps texmfstart.rb find the other .rb programs,
>    like texexec.rb.  (texmfstart.rb uses the path it was called with and
>    looks in that directory, but Hans can correct me if I'm wrong here.)
> 4. (stubs, part 2) texmfstart will run texexec, so create texexec as a
>    symlink to ~/texmf/scripts/context/stubs/unix/texexec:
>       cd ~/bin
>       ln -s ~/texmf/scripts/context/stubs/unix/texexec
>       chmod +x texexec
>    Hans: Could texexec be made executable in the distribution's zip
>    file, to avoid the chmod?
> 5. (test 1) A first check is that texexec works.  So change to a random
>    directory, e.g. where you keep some Context files:
>        cd ~/tmp/xy  ; texexec --version
>    That produces:
> TeXExec | version 6.2.0 - 1997-2006 - PRAGMA ADE/POD      
>    which looks good
> 6. (formats) Remake the formats with
>       texexec --make --all

until here everything seems to work...

> 7. (test 2) Try a simple file.  I use ~/tmp/xy/t.tex containing one
>    line, "\starttext abc \stoptext".  Here goes:
>       texexec t
>    fails with
> ! Font \*12ptrmtf*=ec-lmr12 not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found.

on my machine this fails with:
$ texexec t.tex
TeXExec | processing document 't.tex'
TeXExec | no ctx file found
TeXExec | tex processing method: context
TeXExec | TeX run 1
TeXExec | writing option file
TeXExec | using randomseed 1062
TeXExec | tex engine: pdfetex
TeXExec | tex format: cont-en
TeXExec | progname: context
This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
entering extended mode

ConTeXt  ver: 2005.01.31  fmt: 2006.6.27  int: english  mes: english

language        : language en is active
<protectionstate 0>
system          : cont-new loaded
! Undefined control sequence.
l.14 \newcontextversion
                        {2006.07.24 10:49}
! Emergency stop.
l.14 \newcontextversion
                        {2006.07.24 10:49}
No pages of output.
Transcript written on t.log.
TeXExec | runtime: 1.705616

Any Ideas?

> 8. (dreaded lmodern) Ack, it's the dreaded lmodern problem.  I thought I
>    had avoided this issue on my previous laptop, which ran Debian
>    testing/unstable and got reincarnated as an Ubuntu laptop.  And I had
>    fixed it, by installing the 'lmodern' package.  But Ubuntu lmodern is
>    v0.92, at least as of Ubuntu 6.06, and Debian unstable uses v1.00,
>    which includes the necessary .tfm files for ec-lmr*.  The beta Ubuntu
>    ('edgy eft') uses the new version, so I downloaded its .deb via
>, which eventually pointed me to a monster
>    url and I did:
>      cd /tmp
>      wget 
>    Note that the package version may change, so the easiest way is to
>    download the latest .deb from
>    Installing it is a bit painful.  The first try (done as root) of
>       dpkg -i /tmp/lmodern_1.00-2_all.deb
>    complains with
> Usage error: unrecognized option
> Usage: update-fonts-dir DIRECTORY ...
>    'update-fonts-dir' is some X program that updates X's ideas of where
>    its fonts are, and the package isn't calling it correctly.  But I
>    don't care whether X knows about the lmodern fonts, since I'm using
>    them for documents viewed with gv or xpdf, not directly as an X font.
>    So I shut up update-fonts-dir for the moment, installed, and undid
>    the shutting up (all as root):
>       chmod -x /usr/bin/update-fonts-dir
>       dpkg -i /tmp/lmodern_1.00-2_all.deb
>       chmod +x /usr/bin/update-fonts-dir      
> 9. (test 2 again, not as root) Now 'texexec t' works fine, as does
>    'texexec --check'
> So I think all is well, and I didn't need to set RUBYLIB.  Let me know
> of any corrections or improvements; if there's interest I'll wikifi.
>>From now on, I hope I can update using
>   texmfstart ctxtools --updatecontext 

does not work for me:

$ texmfstart ctxtools --updatecontext
kpsewhich: option `--expand-var' requires an argument
CtxTools | updating
CtxTools | unable to change to

> -Sanjoy

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