On 12/29/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> OK, I think vim works OK here, so this is what I tried:
> ...
> \setupcolors[state=start]
> \usemodule[vimsyntax]
> \definetypeVIMfile [typeRUBY] [syntax=ruby]
> \typeRUBY[typeRUBY]{fibo.rb}
> \defineVIMtyping[RUBY][syntax=ruby]
> \startRUBY
> # This is a ruby program
> puts "Hello World"
> \stopRUBY
> ...
> Error message was this:
> system          : no macros found in module vimsyntax

Weird! Do you have a file t-vimsyntax.tex in the same folder as the
file where you're running the sample? An alternative is to place the
file under [texmf]/tex/context/third/t-vimsyntax.tex and then run
"[sudo] mktexlsr".

But in any case you need to have 2context.vim in the same folder
(there is no support for an arbitrary path of the script yet).

> ! Undefined control sequence.
> l.15 \definetypeVIMfile
>                          [typeRUBY] [syntax=ruby]
> So it looks like it didn't really get started... The files t-
> vimsyntax.text and 2context.vim are rattling loose in the directory...

It has to be *t-vimsyntax.tex*, not *.text*, if that's the case. But
if I try to rename the file, I get "module vimsyntax not found", while
you get "no macros found in module vimsyntax".

While googling through the archive I've found the following message:

> tracefiles showed that ConTeXt was expecting a file
> name with six or less characters after t-; my module was called
> t-utfgreek, so ConTeXt was looking for t-utfgre and couldn't find it

Which version of TeX/ConTeXt are you using? (Perhaps Hans has changed
something in the meantime, to make that work again.) Are you using
Gerben's i-Installer? In that case and if you have a chance, can you
please test the new TeXLive-based distribution?

(I didn't know that 8-char was still a limitation nowadays.)

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