Title: Upgrading from NT Domain to Win2K Domain

You'll get this from me every time I see a similar question (having been burned)


There is no right way of doing this. (No wrong way either, just pitfalls)


If you keep the namespace consistent for internal and external, you will need to tweak your DNS internally to allow your users to hit your external web site by adding an A record for www     xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (IP of your corporate web site). This will mean that anytime anyone internal enters www.widgets.com , your DNS will resolve the address entered in the www host record. (thanks 2 Kevin J) This is how I am set up here. My internal clients use my internal DNS servers, and then my DNS forwards down the line for requests outside my domain. My www host record points to the IP of our web site within the DMZ.


If you choose to use a different name space, try something like location.widgets.com (location being any logical name you want to choose), but before you upgrade your servers delete the domain name entred on the DNS tab of TCP/IP properties in NT 4. If you don't, after the upgrade, you will end up with a server called server.widgets.com in the domain location.widgets.com (when the computername should be server.location.widgets.com), and any time you try to add anything to the domain, (including other DC's) you will get an error stating that no domain controller can be contacted for domain location.widgets.com. The only way out of that is to demote the DC back to a server, fix the DNS and start again. If it is your only DC, your domain is gone when you do this, and you get to recreate all of your users, computers, shares, everything from scratch - whoopee!


Clayton Doige
IT Manager MCSE, MCP + I
Gameday International N.V. 
Bound in a nutshell, King of infinite space...

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C: +5 999 563 1845
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-----Original Message-----
From: Diane Beckham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 10:27 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Upgrading from NT Domain to Win2K Domain


From what I have read (I haven't done it yet, but I will), that is what MS recommends, just so you can make it easy for your users.



-----Original Message-----
From: Montagna, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 5:57 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Upgrading from NT Domain to Win2K Domain

Hello all,
I actually sent this yesterday, but I wanted to rephrase a few things. When upgrading our NT Network to a 2000 Domain, we are trying to understand if we need to distinguish our internal network domain name from our external FQDN www.widgets.com. For example in NT our current internal domain name is "widgets" and our external website is widgets.com. When we upgrade to Win2k what are the ramifications of keeping our internal 2000 domain "widgets.com" and our external FQDN, widgets.com. Should we change our internal domain to widgetscorp.com or something comparable when we upgrade to win2k, and if we don't what happens. Widgets.com is currently hosted on our internal NT domain on an IIS 4.0 server, behind a raptor firewall, using redirection on the firewall, with DNS at our ISP. Once upgraded to 2000 it will continue to be located internally on our network behind the firewall with AD integrated DNS internally and external internet DNS at our ISP. Thanks for any help or suggestions in advance.




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